Do you find the Military Module a Bit Confusing?

Day 1,092, 20:25 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter

So, I’ve been curious about the whole military side of things. I’ve been back in eRep now for just over a week, after my 4 month hiatus. How do weapons work? Is there a difference between the various weapons? How is War Influence calculated?

Some of these questions I was able to observe quite easily, others I had to ask someone.
One that no one seemed to be able to answer was what is the Damage (or War Influence) formula? Not even the eRep Wiki was able to provide an answer, only to inform me that the Library had had a fire, and the formula was lost.

After some experimental fighting last night, I was able to determine that the War Influence formula is:

WI = .25(Strength)(😵

WI = War Influence and X is a variable tied directly to the ammunition of your weapon.
Fighting barehanded, X = 1, which is a stark change from V1, where fighting barehanded penalized you and then X value then was .5. Not so here.

For every 10 base points your weapons ammunition has, you add 0.1 to X. For example, you have a weapon with 20 ammuntion. Then, X = 1.2. If your weapon has 60 ammuntion, X = 1.6 and X = 2.0 if your weapon has 100 ammuntion.

The rank points is simply your War Influence divided by 10. The Experience Points you achieve against each opponent is equal to the number of shots it took you to defeat him. Ok, those seem to be solved.

Onto the next question I ha😛 were all weapons now equal? That is, is there any difference using an air unit vs. a tank, or a rifle vs. artillery? I soon learned the answer to this is No. They are all the same – they all bring the same effect. Now my curiousity turned to the financial side of things. Which type of weapon, on the market, was the cheapest to buy? Of course, this means I would have to factor in the various custom builds of the weapons. For this, I produced this chart:

Click here for larger image..

You’ll notice a few things. The left most column (Q level) describes how many shots @ the level of ammunition. Also, that not every weapon type has each Q level (or weapon customization). For example, only Artillery has a 90 ammunition weapon which allows 3 shots. In addition, the Rifle has the most options in terms of weapon customization.

The prices listed are the cheapest price for that particular customization today – Day 1092 of the New World. These prices will obviously fluctuate, even within a day.

However, I think got to thinking, which weapon is the most economical? It’s obvious which is cheapest, but which weapon gives the best bang for the buck. In other words, which weapon customization, based on price, gives out the most damage for the price you pay?

The following chart took a little more work than the first:

Click here for larger image.

Recall the formula I listed above for calculating War Influence:

WI= .25(Strength)(😵

The first column (after the Weapon customization) is the value of X for that weapon customization. It’s a fixed number.
The next column is the how ten shots with a particular weapon affects your War Influence. Essentially, it’s just equivalent to 10X.

The next column demonstrates how many weapons of that customization is required to produce 10 shots, and the following one the cost of buying that many weapons. Note some weapons required a fraction of a weapon’s usage to achieve 10 shots. This is taken into account when I calculated the cost – it’s more a theoretical answer than practical. For example, a weapon with 3 usages requires 3.33 weapons to get 10 shots. The price I list to get 10 shots is to buy 3.33 weapons, which of course, no one can do. You either buy 3 or 4 weapons.

The column entitled “With my Strength” is based on my strength today – Wilhelm Gunter – on Day 1092. I simply used the War Influence Formula with my own personal numbers to calculate the answers.

So, fighting barehanded, it would look like this:

WI =.25(503.72)(1.0)(10)
WI = 1259.3

The ten is added in because I am measuring for 10 shots. Take the 10 out, and that is what for each shot (1 Shot = 125.93).

The next column is one of simple subtraction. I simply subtracted the damage I could do barehanded with 10 shots (1259.3) from what I could with each type of weapon customization with 10 shots. This is the damage you PAY for with when you purchase your weapon. The barehanded War Influence is free – you don’t have to pay for it (aside from the Food you have to buy and eat to restore your lost health.)
So, for the Weapon customization of 3 shots @ 60 ammunition, the War Influence I am buying is 755.98, if I take 10 shots with such weapons. The cost of that 755.98 War Influence, at today’s cheapest prices, is $6.90 per 100 War Influence. Not a bad return for the money invested, compared to the Weapon Customization which allows one shot at 20 ammunition. The cost of War Influence for that Weapon Customization is $17.07 per 100 War Influence. Not a good choice – it’s a terrible waste of money. Fighting barehanded would be much better, from an economical view point.

In the end, it is the most expensive weapon (almost) which provides the best bang for your buck. The weapon with a Customization of 5 shots at 100 ammunition costs a mere $4.49 per 100 War Influence you achieve. The unfortunate part about this economical weapon is that it’s price tag IS expensive - $28.28 is the cheapest one out there. For many it’s simply out of their price range.

So, with all this research, I hope that both you and I are much more informed and understand the choices which lie before us – and is it simply more economical to fight barehanded? The only draw back of this is that we can only fight about 30 times a day (a few more, perhaps if you own a house), because we can only eat up to 300 worth of food a day. If providing the greatest amount of damage is your goal, then this chart can be very helpful!

Of course, you could get around this by spending 1 gold to automatically defeat your opponent on the battlefield, as many times as you want. Does anyone know what War Influence you get for doing that?