Do Compliments Age Well

Day 2,002, 19:18 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by pop George

I told George I could load photos, he rolled over in disbelief

Weapons give away section - 3 Q7 weapons (two bonus ones if winner is eSwiss) for the saying I am ripping off for my paper's name

Editorial section - Publishing and politics, beyond the community are what interest me, I would love feedback, consider this an open call for trolls or those that want to debate issues within the game (I am not interested in being an active meta-gamer, though I will compromise to further ideas I think are beneficial for the game, so as to give consideration to those that aren't comfortable endlessly making new accounts). I have many questions and would enjoy questioning any with the patience to bare the process.

Trolling or not section - The Troll Warlord A talking clone! Day 2,002, 00:04

If you where complimenting me as my research possibly revealed please except my apologies.

In scrabble the rules dictate the combatants agree on a dictionary, I think in name calling it would clear things up quickly. I have the Oxford dictionary based on historical principles. Though mine is the first edition (Volume II C. PART I. C-Comm. 1893) and Clone, obs. f. CLEAN a, I am thrilled my further investigation into what you mean is in the same PART. What a resource material, Clean 9. Fair, fine, 'proper'. An epithet of admiration and commendation, the force of which it is in many instances is difficult to ascertain. 1340 "Blybe stones...richely rayled in his aray clene."

embassy affairs section - I am being ignored at the higher levels but polish noobs who publish seem to respond, so eventually I might have a friend with influence.

Help wanted section - I hope to crank out articles every several days, worthy of a least a few comments, clean or not.

Ouch, George's solution...