Did I Say Free Stuff?

Day 1,001, 15:06 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Yes. Yes I did.

In my org I have something like 15 pieces of Q3 Artillery that I have no plan to use.

The stats are 40,50,30,30. 2 of them have the stats 42,36,36,36

Post below if you'd like one.

Yeah, that's right. I'm not even forcing you to vote or sub to get the free stuff (Although there's nobody stopping you from doing so...)

Only requirement is that you are an eCanadian and that you will use this to bash some Brits.

You must also have at least some skill in Artillery. No high level people either. I hold discretion as to who is "high leveled"

So then, post away. Limit of 1 per person and no orgs of course. I'll pass them out in an hour or so.'

EDIT: All artillery is gone. No more donations being handed out.
