Decisions, decisions

Day 3,289, 19:40 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

Since coming back to eRep I have really gotten excited about fighting. I’m fully airborne, totally crushing it in air battles. Because it’s a new module, I’m actually competitive. Never in my eLife have I been competitive on a battlefield. When I got back to the game there was really only one MU that even had an airborne unit. I knew I needed to be fighting in the air, but I wasn’t sure where to go or what to do. Easy Company absolutely put me on the right track. They told me exactly what I need to do to level up quickly and contribute to the military interests of the eUS and I’ve really come to enjoy gathering together with buddies on discord and dropping damage together when the air battles come up.

Then I realized the people I’m teaming up with on discord to do this aren’t even in EZC. Quite a few of them are in the new airborne regiment- USAAC. I have been asked to join them over there and get it off the ground. I’ll be honest, I am tempted. In my personal experience, this game has been all about building new things in the game- parties, programs, military units. There hasn’t been anything in this game quite so satisfying as seeing something you helped build turn into something great.

I’m still not sure what I am going to do- stick with the powerhouse of Easy Company and be a cog in their killing machine? Or go to USAAC and help them build something new?

What would you do?


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