Day 831 - Indonesia attacks Malaysia, Presidential Candidates [IRELAND]

Day 831, 23:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

eIndonesia attacks war-games partner eMaylasia in an apparent attempt at disruption.

eIndonesia attacks around 20:05 eRep time with no allies, against eMalaysia with a long list of allies, twenty-six MPPs.

Whether this is a "training war" or an attempt at blocking the training wars that Sol members hold, is unknown at this time.


In other eIrish news, 5 candidates for An Taoiseach (Country President of Ireland) are running on March 5th:

JohnSmith 2K9, of the Irish Freedom Party, supported by Clann na nGael
Nithraldur, of the Irish Union Party
Dubhtaigh, of the Irish Social Democrats, supported by Saoirse
Glorious Connolly, of The Labour Party
Munster Tom, of The Irish Rugby Party

Shining Star News will be taking questions from citizens to be asked of the Candidates for An Taoiseach and published in the next few days in a series, so please ask your questions in the comments below and direct them to a candidate.