Day 1,079 Canadian News

Day 1,079, 08:37 Published in Canada Canada by chewytaz

Here is todays news now in Pictures

In todays news
-Russia fails to win any Resistance wars
-Canadian victory on the Battlefront
-USA battling in the Pacific
-Poland defends well against three Phoenix attacks

Russia Fails to Win

Unfortunately for Russia they saw this all over the battlefront yesterday. As the Russians set up many resistance wars none were successful against Poland, Romania or China.

Canadian Victory on the Battlefront

The British had to see this again yesterday as they failed to defend their region of Yorkshire & Humberside. Soon Canada will be marching into London having defeated the Red Coats

This is why Canada should have London and the rest of Britian

US Fights in the Pacific

Our Southern neighbours eUSA had to see these guys in the Pacific today. As the Americans are trying to remove Serbian persence in the Pacific. Also the Americans are attacking Indonesia which is the only nation that still did not lose a original region

Poles defends against Phoenix attacks

Phoenix Nations Russia and Germany got to see Poland defending their regions yesterday. Poland Defended well against Russia and Germany

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