d4c for congress march 2016

Day 3,017, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by dougal4chaos

Firstly I would like to say a sincere Thank You to all of the following people for spending 18 days in the same congress thread as me with no trolling, no images and no off topic discussion. It has been a pleasue to read the messages this month with out having to scroll past any spam.

Mr Woldy as UK Dictator
Rathena Gelc as Country President
FightAndProduce as Speaker
TuP members Paul Tyndale, Madelina de Melrose, Addaway and Amokkel
UKRP members Dave Trenga, Sir Humphrey Appleby, Rohirrin and certacito
BP members Sir Winston S Churchill, Refurbisher and William Ross
ESO members CheetahCurtis, Frixios of the Clyde and harijs.me
UKPP members Mad Pauly and N W G
WRP members Huey George and Aaron Mark Daniels
SDP member Joseph McKenzie

and yes it does hurt to thank a couple of them but praise where its due

Secondly I'd like to say how proud I am of the British public who quite rightly said a big NO and a massive F*CK *FF to the french and their terms for our surrender

50 people said NO
13 french sysmpathisers said yes
3 people are visiting a doctor with a sore ass after sitting on the fence

So thank you to all 50 of you and just like Chumbawamba we may get knocked down, but we'll get up again. The frogs are never gonna keep us down.