d4c for congress july 2015

Day 2,771, 03:12 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by dougal4chaos

Well what a busy month its been.

Changes in TUP
voodoomike 71 returned home to TUP - YaY, then he got a bit confused, and then he thought ESO had better grass and left - Aww

rathena gelc then went all pitchfork/mob justice on us, she was reminded that TUP stands for democracy and then she left. she was last seen taking her pitchfork to the Czech Republic.

Then our vacant PP paul tynedale thought he'd done enough damage to/for us and took "up a long standing offer to move to Poland", not really a fair deal imo, they get paul and we get a million car washers. hopefully he re joins us soon.

with 10 members in congress, despite 3 TUP members putting there names forward to be trusted UK citizens TUP couldnt find enough active congressmen to nominate themselves. makes you wonder why some people are even in congress ???

Our resisdent black sheep goku has been very quiet, maybe its lambing season

And lastly we now have Karacticus as PP, Im hoping the first freaking TUP PP in way too long that will stay active and not go awol during his term. he's already proven himself by saving the congress election last month, so things are looking up for TUP under his control

king william saga.
Aaron Mark Daniels decided congress needed to bully someone and picked on king william.
Congress made some laws allowing it to kick out bad apples/congressmen.
At the party elections they underestimated the fact the UKPP actually like king william and the PTO failed.
CrispyDragon then scraped the bottom of the barrel for some really pathetic excuses to evict king william from congress, congress voted, the motion failed and king william stayed in congress.

perilouspanther asked for a recount but maths being maths the result was the same, a new reason was put forward to evict king william but traitor/speaker not being a village idiot saw that it was the same as the original reason and said NO, more tantrums toys thrown from the cot all over congress.

If your wondering why there has been no entertainment this month, its because Aaron Mark Daniels spent the first 15 days of his term as Minister of Entertainment oblivious to the fact that he was the MoEnt.

If your wondering why there has been no entertainment since he found out he was the MoEnt, its cause he's too damn lazy.

credit where credits due, traitorman has done an excellent job as speaker.
I dont like the fact he sold our country out to wan ker and he's gonna keep the traitortag for a bit longer but as a speaker he has worked hard, kept congress running smoothly, ensured there is no cheating in the votes, been impartial and we couldnt ask for more from a speaker. so kudos to trairor/speaker
alex dumbdumb you need to learn a lot from him.

well the argies are a dumb race, they have attacked the UK to coincide with the anniversary of the falklands war, they seem to think that an online game is any comparison to real life. well its not, online is all just 0's and 1's.
real life is where the british military kicked the sh!t out of argie land.
oh and when we win the world cup we dont cheat.

so for next congress i stand for

1. creating a UK blacklist
2. sticking to my principles regardless
3. supporting the TUP party line.
4. trying to get more TUP congress active.

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