CURIOSITIES - Royal ravens

Day 4,769, 03:03 Published in Croatia Austria by Ludi Deda

London Ravens
The keeper of the British royal ravens can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Chris Skaife has a very important job in Britain. He is responsible for the most famous birds in the kingdom - ravens.
According to legend, if all the ravens leave the Tower of London, the Kingdom will collapse, and the country will be in disarray. This millennial royal fortress on the banks of the Thames closed its doors during the quarantine era as did many other tourist attractions.

This caused Skaife, who bears the enormous burden of the kingdom's survival, a problem like never before - how to entertain his famous fliers who no longer had anyone to steal food from, and this fueled fears that the birds would fly away in search of food and fulfill the prophecy.
There are 8 ravens living in the Tower: Merlin, Poppy, Erin, Jubilee, Rocky, Harris, Gripp and George
By royal decree from the 17th century there must be 6 of them there but Skaife says he keeps 8 of them just in case.
A "lockodown" was announced in Britain in March, but Skaife and his 3 assistants take turns coming to the Tower to take care of the birds. The biggest problem for the ravens was the fun because there were no visitors, so they had nothing to do, so Skaife brought toys, balloons, mirrors and ladders into their homes, and hid their food all over the Tower to keep them busy.

Londonski gavrani
Čuvar britanskih kraljevskih gavrana napokon može odahnuti. Chris Skaife ima vrlo važan posao u Britaniji. Odgovoran je za najpoznatije ptice u kraljevstvu – gavrane.
Po legendi, ako svi gavrani napuste londonski Towerkraljevstvo će propasti, a zemljom zavladati nered. Ta tisućljetna kraljevska tvrđavana obali Temze zatvorila je svoja vrata u doba karantene kao i mnoge druge turističke znamenitosti.
To je Skaifeu koji nosi ogroman teret opstanka kraljevstva stvorilo problem kao nikada prije- kako zabaviti svoje slavne letače koji više nisu imali kome krasti hranu, a to je potaknulo strahove da će ptice odletjeti u potrazi za hranom i ostvariti proročanstvo.
U Toweru živi 8 gavrana: Merlina, Poppy, Erin, Jubilee, Rocky, Harris, Gripp i George
Kraljevskom odlukom iz 17. stoljeća ondje ih mora biti 6 ali Skaife kaže da ih za svaki slučaj drži 8. Slobodno se mogu skitati londonskom tvrđavom, ali su im krila podrezana da ne bi predaleko odletjeli i odlutali.
U ožujku je u Britaniji oglašen „lockodown“, ali Skaife i njegova 3 pomočnika na smjenu dolaze u Tower brinuti o pticama. Gavranima je najveći problem bila zabava jer nije bilo posjetitelja, pa nisu imali šta raditi, pa im je Skaife u nastambe doio igračke, balone, ogledala i ljestve, a hranu im sakrivao posvuda po Toweru da ih drži zaposlenima.