CP - May Term Report

Day 5,310, 14:45 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Akane Homura

Dear fellow citizens and friends,

The 6th is the last day of my presidency. Given this, I already saw it fitting to publish a term report!

It was my first time running for the presidency, so it was a new experience for me (one I was nervous about) and one I am grateful for since I could serve you and our beautiful country of Japan. All parties and people were easy to work with, so thanks again.

I also invited spike.spiegel from the Imperial Sun Party as vice minister of education to the government to continue promoting the cooperation between parties and give players without government experience the opportunity to gain experiences there.

Additionally, I also introduced the Japan Game Night programme to promote fun and a brief, good time between citizens and friends of Japan in the form of playing games together.

I wish Seth and the other presidency runners good luck in their elections.

Now, onto what was achieved during my term.

Foreign Affairs

We continued our training wars with the U.S.A., Russia (which was temporarily halted for a brief time), Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Pakistan and Iran. Additionally, we gained a training war with Ukraine.

Given the discontent with the M.P.P. with Indonesia, that one was also not renewed.


As is almost tradition by now, we have continued the J.U.D.O. program and also further developed it to be able also to pay the players who fight for Japan but don´t belong to a Japanese M.U. Given how this programme rewards activity and is especially beneficial for newer players, I hope that it can continue.


In addition to the Iaopnia series, various Japanese citizens from different units and parties were interviewed. Those interviews provided further insight and information about multiple people in Japan! The Ministry of Education and his vice-minister published some quite popular articles.


Restarting the T.W. with Iran: - 240 gold
J.U.D.O. Rewards: - 850 000 cc
Japan Game nights rewards - 21000 cc

Total Expenditure: - 866 000 cc and 240 gold

Bank Donation Laws: + 800 000 cc
Total Income from Monetary Market: + 711500 cc
Total Rent Paid by Training War Partners (3): + 429 471 cc

Total Income: + 1 940 971 cc

The overall combined losses and wins: A win of 1 044 971 CC and a loss of 240 gold

As I stated in my candidacy, I ran for a united Japan and made good on my word by involving a member from another party in our government cabinet. Everyone wants the best for the country, and working together and getting outside ideas and views provides the best chances of growing and flourishing as one nation! I also want to encourage the next candidate to invest in the financial market to grow our economy further!

Thanks again for allowing me to be at your service, and a big thank you to our active players making the community lively, keeping the training wars alive, and to all members of my government. You were a big help in your ways with all the different tasks!

The citizens and my cabinet are the M.V.P.S., so please applaud them!

Glory, prosperity and happiness to Japan!

Country President of Japan