Constitution Day in Belarus

Day 2,306, 16:12 Published in Montenegro Montenegro by ShonePG

Hello! I am releasing an article on behalf of the Belarusian Ambassador to Montenegro WolverineBY on their national holiday! Happy reading

At the end of this week, a great national holiday is celebrated in Belarus. I want to introduce this holiday to you. On the 15th of March every year we, in Belarus, celebrate the Constitution Day. Exactly on the 15th of March 1994 a new Constitution of Republic of Belarus was signed. The first official laws on the Belarusian territory were brought in the times of Great Dutchy of Lithuania.

Borders of GDL in the 15th century
The most famous set of laws - Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Statute underwent 3 releases: 1529, 1566 and 1588. Statute of 1529 was not particularly favorable for the nobility and concluded a lot of obsolete and very harsh judgments. Therefore, the Sejm decided to revise some items of the Statute. Final version was approved, known as The second Statute, by the privilege of March 1, 1566. Soon, questions raised about the new correction Statute. Revised on regional councils and approved by head Congress of Lithuanian officials
in Vawkavysk (1584), it was viewed by the Warsaw Sejm 1587 and finally approved on the coronation Sejm in 1588. That is the same year that the Third Statute was published in Ruthenian language by the subcouncelor Lev Sapieha in Vilna. This edition was the original law.

Statute of 1529

Statute of 1588 It was one of the first legal codes, not only in Europe but throughout the world. And the first formal constitution in Belarus was adopted on May 3, 1791. Adoption of the Constitution was due to the need to strengthen the system of government in the GDL, which by that time had already undergone two sections.

A fragment of the May the 3rd's constitution This Constitution was the second in the world after the United States Constitution. When Belarus was a part of the Russian Empire, Statute of GDL was applied on its territory, the 1588 edition. The next stage of the legislation was the Soviet era. During this time, Belarus had 5 Constitutions: 1919, 1927, 1937, 1978, 1994. The first Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Belarus (SSR😎 was adopted at the First All-Belarusian Congress of Soviets, on February 3, 1919. Its content was filled with the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat, which was strengthened in the Constitution itself.
Later it changed repeatedly. The Constitution was almost identical to the Russian constitution of 1918. The Constitution of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted on April 11, 1927 at the VIII All-Belarusian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies. The Constitution was published in tarashkevitsa and place of publication indicated Mensk. It was the second constitution in the Soviet period.

The Constitution of 1927 The Constitution of 1927 was re-adopted after 10 years, in 1937. On April 14, 1978, following the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR in 1977, a new Constitution of the BSSR was adopted.

The Constitution of 1978 The new Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was adopted on March 15, 1994. On November 24, 1996 Constitution has been updated and supplemented by the results of the referendum. And on October 17, 2004, in a referendum, the provision, limiting the right of a person to be elected president more than two terms has been removed.

The Constitution of 1994 Modern revision of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus consists of a preamble, nine sections in which there are 8 chapters and 146 articles.

Modern Consitution

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