Community, say NO to Xenophobia

Day 3,662, 04:18 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Greetings eIreland,

Recently one of eIrelands prominent figures released an article, which raised some very interesting questions about the authors views on other players nationalities in this game.

This article raised some points (all be it in an incorrect sequential order), about a CP candidate's RL heritage as well as their in game one. And about his views on RL Turkish citizens.

Whilst the article starts out with a link to CP candidate Trito (I am hoping he does not share the same xenophobic views), it goes on to question the CP candidate Ethel, her past in-game actions and her RL life origins. And then carries on with the authors view's and fears of anyone with RL Turkish citizenship.

Screen grab of the article points

Whilst we will ignore the incorrect numeracy of the point marks (but if you need to learn how to count, check out this youtube video at the bottom of the article), instead we will look at these points and what the author finally admits.

- Ethel being the CP of Turkey.... ummmm...


- Ethel being a RL Turkish citizen? why would that matter, we have had RL Irish CP's, RL Australians, RL South Africans etc etc....

With these two points about an Irish CP candidate, one could just dismiss it as the authors unresearched ramblings. But taking a closer look at the article and it's main theme being Turkish players, one has to wonder if their is an under current of racism/xenophobia in the authors tone.

Upon questioning this racism/xenophobia in the comments section, the author admitted to be xenophobic.

Whilst this is just one players views, and a player who in different threads has shown his sexist, racist and religious intolerance, it paints a very bad image of eIreland.

As a nation, we are all welcoming, we have many players here from RL different countries, joining together in the eIreland community, working together. So I ask for eIrish to join with me in condemning this action, this xenophobia, this racism, this unwarranted fear, this unwarranted prejudice towards our fellow players in the eWorld. Dont let eIreland bring in RL hatred, into our game.

We have seen many different in-game disputes based on RL nationalities, let eIreland rise above this. After all, we are all just binary code on some server some where in the world, and this binary code doesnt distinguish our religion, ethnicity, skin colour or location.

Say NO to Racism in eIreland
Say NO to Sexism in eIreland
Say NO to Xenophobia in eIreland

Allow eIreland to be open to everyone and allow them to work together as a community.