CAF News

Day 893, 20:02 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Hello eCanada,

I'm writing to you today to provide you with a few CAF announcements.

The first I will start with is about the protest called the "Long Sword Rebellion". This protest was in direct violation of the Code of Conduct which each CAF member abides by. The reason why this breaks the rules is due to the nature of the message that was sent out to the CAF and how the message was sent in mass.

"According to the guidelines above, the CAF must never be used as a political tool or as a political party. The CAF is to follow orders from the Government and works for the government, on behalf of the citizens of Canada. As such an discussion of politics, any advertising of political insignia/belief or any call to join/create a party of the soldiers of the CAF will be met with harsh judgment, in accordance to the CoC."

To enforce action against this act we first set up and interviewed each high command member to see their involvement in this protest. They were asked the same questions and some follow up questions based on their answers. Their responses were shared with Director of CSIS Marcchelala and General Ramizeth. There was then an officer vote instituted for action against those of high command position that had been actively involved with the "Long Sword Rebellion".

This vote was in accordance with the CoC as stated here:
"If an officer of the CAF is in violation of these rules, the General of the Armed Forces shall propose action to take against this officer in the Officers Lounge forum via vote. Any CAF officer can take part in this vote."

The following results have been instituted and ranks changed based on these forum votes. Their access has been restricted and ranks changed based on how the CAF Officers voted.

I have some good news this week! Perhaps a bit more on the personal side but either way its all great news!

I would like to congratulate Christian Doe on becoming a happy pappy with a new born baby 🙂 congratulations Christian Doe. This is such happy news! Unum will be covering for Christian Doe while he is busy with his family. Good luck to both of you. :3

Also General Ramizeth has finally chosen a Lieutenant General. A blast from the past JT Vanguard was recently promoted to Lieutenant General. He is dedicated and motivated. We're all very excited to have JT Vanguard as LT General.

Anyways, that's my announcements for tonight.

~Chief of Defense Staff, General, Coda