Blitz Journal ( India new top tourist destination - GEA meeting - ePope )

Day 1,623, 13:02 Published in India Philippines by Marie von Gablitz


Today the first tourists have come to Tamil Nadu , our president candidate alector welcomed them and gave them them warm welcome

Meanwhile his hotter part the princess Miles had a tea party in GEA garden with her friends Albania, Netherland and Formosa talking about the current crise in EDEN

Alector have started to recruite people for the new cabinet. We already found the current prsident maverick10 Dodge Knight in the alector's cabinet


Last night eVatican have choosed a new e pope. Crusader33
is the third elected pope of eVatican, after the election he made a great party on #e-Vatcan channel

The holy mother pompessa announced that victory letting the white smoke out of Sistine Chapel.
She was polite to say what kind of feeling she have felt doing that holy obligation and how everything happened


At this time a new group of Thai are comming into our lovely region Karnataka. Our reporters were the first on the scene making first photos of the new visitors.


This section will be cut off soon because the lack of any sign of culture