Armour144 for Newfoundland & Labrador

Day 1,037, 20:52 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

On the 25th of September, something in eCanada will happen: I will realize that my 2nd eBirthday happened on the 20th and I wasn’t paying enough attention to notice it.

Oh, and
Vote for Armour144 of the DAL in Newfoundland & Labrador

Why should you vote for me?
1. I have yet to be included in any scandals (I guess I’m not popular enough 🙁)
2. I won’t take part in any “backroom plotting/scandals/treason/plots to overthrow the government” etc.
3. I’m experienced (I am over 2 years old now)
4. I’m active – when I was elected in July, I was always actively reading and participating in discussions and voting
5. I’m not an alpaca… unless you want to vote for an alpaca, in which case my DNA will be altered
6. I have common sense
7. I’m an all-around nice person 😃

What Will I Plan to Do if Elected?
- Take part in debates and votes, as just plain old activeness seems to be a problem among many of the elected congressmen
- Ensure the CAF and Militias are funded well. Military strength is always a good thing
- Not abuse my powers. At this time I’m not entirely sure just what kind of power a congressman actually has, but if I discover it I shall write it on my “not-to-do” list.
- Form new goals and plans based off of what happens during the term. Many people will come out in their congress presentation pushing for a number of reforms and goals. Its great that they are very eager to bring change but I also think it is important to adapt and create goals as time progresses.

So remember on the 25th of September (heh, that rhymed) to vote for Armour144 of the DAL in Newfoundland and Labrador. If you vote for me, I’ll give you a cookie! If you don’t vote for me, the cookie monster will eat your cookie instead! (And we don't want that. Everyone knows that cookies give the cookie monster terrible gas)
