An Open Letter to CPP

Day 1,280, 18:19 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

Dear CPP,

I want to thank you for the time that I have spent in CPP. It has been a great learning experience and a lot of fun. This is why I regret to inform you that after deep consideration I am going to be leaving CPP. I had tremendous hope in Derakor as leader. His plans for establishing an active party were noble, but there is a cancer in CPP. That cancer is inactivity. I looked forward to this month as a month to rebuild. The number of people active in the party did not matter, what mattered was the quality of the people. Reading through ”My Address to CPP”, I was excited to see changes.

Unfortunately, those changes have been limited. While Derakor has attempted to get the CPP Code of Conduct instituted, he requested input from CPP members. Of the 11 members of the Party Cabinet, only 3 people replied to Derakor's request (one of which was me). 6 people answered the poll on the subject. Without naming names, there are members of the Cabinet who have not been on either the forums or IRC for numerous days and have failed to fulfil their assigned tasks and as such should have been removed from Cabinet. This has not occurred.

Now I would like it to be clear that I NOT am angry with Derakor or other members of the party. I am just disappointed by the situation and no longer see a future in CPP.

So where will I be going?

After considering all available options, I have decided upon Military Dictatorship Party. Many of you will consider this a strange choice as I am not a powerful soldier. With that said I am interested in our sovereignty as a nation. This requires a strong military stance. While not a soldier myself, I view our nations soldiers the most important element in keeping our country strong. Prior to the May 15th elections, I was thinking about leaving CPP and going to MOO. So why not go there? The reason is simple. I view a political party as another way to make social connections. With MOO, I already have many connections being the Ambassador from CPP and a member of Captains of Industry. Those connections transcend political parties and I hope to remain an active member of the MOO forums.

I again want to thank the members of CPP for welcoming me into the party when I first started. CPP at the time was a good party to join for a new citizen not familiar with the political scene. Having been more involved with the internal workings of the party I am able to see that CPP is a shell or what it once was. I wish the best of luck to Derakor and CPP.

I also would like the thank the members of MDP for their persistent attempts to recruit me, and for allowing me to join at such a late time and run on Congressional Election Ballot. I will be running in Quebec.