An Open Invitation to Union Nationale Members

Day 1,426, 15:12 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

Strength Through Unity, Unity Through Faith

As many of you know, yesterday eCanada was targeted by a large Political TakeOver (PTO) effort by a group of ex-Romanian citizens. This group targeted eCanada's largest parties and only through a great coordinated effort were their efforts partially foiled. I say partially, because Union Nationale has been lost to these rogue citizens.

I am deeply saddened at the loss of the UN party, and therefore am offering an opportunity to prevent any further damage to our nation. Currently, as a Top 5 party, UN is a threat to the security of eCanada. With a party in the Top 5, the PTOers will have the chance to elect members of their group to Congress. And if anything was learned by yesterday's events, they will succeed if we allow them to keep UN in the Top 5.

Therefore, I invite each and every member of Union Nationale to join the newly renamed Rolo Tahmasee Appreciation Party. Within the RTAP, UN members will be accepted without prejudice, be allowed to continue to use their current forums, and even be afforded the opportunity to run in the Congressional elections on the 25th of this month.

Now is a time that each and every eCanadian must gather together with a common goal of thwarting the PTO attempts on our nation. Strength through Unity, Unity through Faith.

Join me in appreciation of Rolo Tahmasee, and protect your country.