Day 2,318, 08:33 Published in Australia Australia by Send love to Plato

So, Claire has kicked us off and we might as well tell you a bit about ourselves as a party and what we stand for and hope to achieve.

Well I knew i would be standing for Country President on April 5th, and to be honest I saw a party owned and run by obvious multi-accounts month on month and thought we'd have a little ATO party ourselves. I wanted to be nominated for the CP elections without approaching Parties myself, why? Well I wasn't prepared to play the usual game of politician where you tell each party hat they want to hear. So we took this bad boy party over...

However, whilst talking to Claire we spoke of the Inactivity within the eAustralia Political system. Of course we discussed parties and the pro's and cons of each but we had experience of creating and building up a party from the eUK...which we did with a huge amount of success, but the one thing we missed was a real open party for everyone.

Of course all parties will tell you the same...of course they will. However what myself and Claire have always done is open the party up in ways that were never done before. Elected party officers, elections for the positions for candidates wanting to run for Senate, votes for who we backed as CP in forth coming elections and all done through PM's. We had IRC and forum sections as well...but lets be honest they were bloody hard work and we'd rather concentrate on making the Government run and communicate to it's fullest than run a party. We did consider calling it the 'Australian Independent Democratic Society' because everyone likes to be with someone with A.I.D.S

So we are going to meet you half way, we'll open ballots for all the above but with the same system of application as you do for the JDS and ADF. A simple form where you give your in-game name and who you vote for. That's all. So no PM's but you'll see from the newsfeed where each ballot is via a link. You'll decide who your officers are, you'll decide what position you want each candidate to be and you'll pick your CP candidate. No forums, no IRC...those are extras and we will set them up if you want to use them, but they are not a necessary.

We'll have competitions, fun and no limit as to what you can put in the racism though please, xenophobia about FYROM, Chile and the Australian Northern territories of Indonesia are welcome. Christ, were adults so lets have a laugh like one, and If we get into the top 5 at Senate time and have a region then WE'LL approach parties out of the top 5 to see if they have active members they want us to run for them. Why should virtually inactive players in top parties represent our Senate and active loyal members out of the game mechanics don't get a chance?

If activity in Government Departments picks up (as we hope it does) then we'll expand and have regular PM's with links to votes instead of them just being in the news feed. This is the start...and If you want we'll change the damned horrible and boring name.