Admin's brain...Happy New Year

Day 1,504, 11:49 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

People, it has been a few days/week maybe more since the last time I wrote an article, I was very busy
with the holydays and everything and didn't had much time to do things on eRep. Anyway this article it's
pretty interesting and I'm talking about a couple of things.
Page 1: How the admins brainwork?
Page 2: New Year
Page 3: Extras

How the admins brainwork?

There must have been a lot of articles about this subject xD but do you know what? I won 13440 Q6 weapons from dSokre's competition and I'm very happy.
Here's the article about that.
Part of my promise to him, was that I will reviel how the admins brainwork and I will donate half from the tanks to charity. I'm donating half from the tanks to eUS charity organisations and Militias, such as: Seal Team 6, Bewbs 4 Newbs, eUS Civilian Military Group, Easy Company, Delta Force. Now back to the topic: "How the admins brainwork?"
- Our ancestors tried to find out and a lot of them e-died and was banned in that cruel fight about the dark
secret that has been hidden for ages.Imagine the admins like a juicer and imagine us, the citizens like lemons. They want to squeeze us as much as they can and collect every last drop from us. Let me explain my metaphore, the juice is our money. Maybe my metaphore wasn't the best but I think you got me xD. Anyway the people that buy the most gold won't gonna get banned until they ra*e(*😛)some of the admins in RL. They can create multies, insult, flame and do whatever sh*t they want but they won't get any penalty as long as they pay the admins. Almost like in RL, rich and powerful people are safe, and me and the other folks which don't buy gold can be banned very easily. But i respect the people that buy gold beacause if they weren't here probably this game was not going to be here either. Read this article, to see how the average day of the admins looks like:
So the purpose of this article was nothing buy humorous(it wasn't funny at all but...)admins troll us every day so...

Buy gold and do whatever you want!

And dear admins don't yank my article for nothing...

New Year
Now how many of you got that much drunk that actually you couldn't stay on your feet? I had only one beer...How many of you got laid? xD And how many of you spent the New Year's eve on Erepublik? I know that I had a weonderful time and I wish you a Happy New Year to all of you. Now they say: "New Year: new hopes, new beginings, new dreams, new happenings... " What do you think will happen both in the Real World and the New World? I wish Happy New Year to all of you.

This article of mine wasn't really something, I wrote it up because I had some extra free time and didn't know what else to do. For the en😛


Now go and get drunk or laid or...both

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