Abhinay for YUUVA PP....

Day 1,295, 08:22 Published in India India by Abhinay Gupta

Hi eIndians,
This is my first article and ofc its for Party President Elections.

Recently there were CP elections and we were successfull in getting the position of Country President...
Wishing Best of Luck for our country president Anant singhal....

Dear YUUVA's and all who are interested,
I have decided to run for Party President of YUUVA This month.
This article is to give you a reason why should you vote for me , and my plans if I get elected.


1 ) We need an Increase in Citizens and to Look After Our Young members

2) We need a Happy, Tough and Functioning Military

3) We need to make our Country Conducive for Business

Social Schemes

I will be expanding our social schemes and offers to the newer citizens this month.
I will also try to expand our offers to people who join us on the Forums, It’s a key thing that we as a Party encourage all new players to join the forums, Join the IRC, Never mind which party they choose to join, In the end our aim is to improve the eIndia as a country!


Recruitment will be one of my top priorities next month, Bringing in New Members and also the old experienced players who’s generally active is an achievement for me, and the future of Yuuva depends on them.


Congress results last month was another fantastic, another one of my top priorities will be too win more seats as a party in the House of Commons. I will research many ways for us to be effective on the elections to win more seats as possible.

Prime Minister Elections
I as Party President will be electing an effective Candidate for Country President election. Our Candidate WILL have full support from the partyand also will be help him in formation of his cabinet. That all I have to say.


Media will be used often by the party, I will try to make the best of the current crappy Media Module. Media members will publish article. The goal is for a new article to be released every 3 – 5 days.

Opportunity’s for EVERYONE

As stated above, Recruiting new Players will be a target for me, Another target will be too open up many Opportunity’s for everyone, Especially the newer players. Opportunities will include massive involvement in every area of YUUVA. I plan to introduce Policy to become Friendlier towards New Players.

The other main target for this term is:

Bring the communes up to standard

Once upon a time, the IAF Commune was great when i joined this game. In fact, during its golden age I daresay it was about the most efficient economic body in the eIndia.
Fast forward to the present day, and we have been left behind by the numerous changes to the economic module. The communes, quite simply, have been "falling apart" and need to be brought up to speed for the current state of the game. Our MoD and dMoD has started filling spots in IAF.
Join IAF http://economy.erepublik.com/en/company/job-offers/467264?title=iaf-wrm for bright future for eIndia

WE NEED YOU to build this Party to be a force in eIndian politics and bring our fine Nation together to work as one .

Thanks for reading,
Your Votes Count!
Please help by voting and subscribing.
And sorry for any errors 😉

Congress Member (YUUVA)

PS : Get more involved in eIndia, join the Eindia forums --> http://forum.erepindia.com/index.php today!

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Looking forward ur comments !!!!! 😃