A Romanian Blitzkrieg, and The End of Pakistan

Day 497, 15:58 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alex Lawrence

"Ideas have unhinged the gates of empires."
Paul Harris
(on a side note, the previous article's quote was from St. Augustine's City of God)

Good Evening

Tonight, we speculate on the ramifications of the fall of Pakistan.

Main Article

Around 7 hours from the time of this writing, Pakistan fell to Romania in a wide and sweeping succession of victories, with Pakistan "retreating" from its besieged territories. A critical blow to PEACE, and a great victory for ATLANTIS, and all because of a TO led by Han Solo in Pakistan's government. Romania proceeded to invade all of Pakistan, starting in Guizhou and ending in Guangxi, leaving only the capital of Hainan left flying the moon and star.

PEACE supporters are lamenting the loss of one of their stronger allies, crying foul for the Romanian's use of a PTO. (For those unfamiliar with the lingo, political take over. I wondered about this for months. 😛) Romania, however, is quite happy, as would be expected, and has proven that they truly are a force to be reckoned with. With their reclamation of the West Siberia a little while ago, this shows a clear shift in momentum for ATLANTIS, Romania in particular.

With the fall of Pakistan, the Romanian Empire has truly been established. They now have 42 regions, and over a tenth of the entire eRepublik population, as well as the economies and resources that follow, not to mention ATLANTIS' backing. They control areas in Europe, the Middle East, most of Russia, and now have taken over a massive chunk of Asia. This has upset the balance of power enormously. This doesn't even mention their traveling soldiers and tanks assisting their allies abroad. Now Indonesia has to deal with the Romanians in their own backyard, and will have to, at least momentarily, lessen their efforts abroad, like Germany and elsewhere.

The question now is whether Indonesia, up to now Romania's equal, can hold their ground and their own empire. Clearly this calls into question places like Australia, where the Indonesians have given back some territory, and whether Indonesia will need to retake these pockets to bolster against Romanian attack.

Now, this will draw some ire from my Romanian readers, but it needs to be addressed, in respect to the eUS and the rest of ATLANTIS. Romania is controlling a massive amount of power at the moment. With PEACE at a clear disadvantage, who is to say what Romania will be capable of if they are able to hold on to Pakistan, and possibly defeat Iran? ATLANTIS needs to re-evaluate Romania, as both a member and as a singular power. I am not saying Romania should be kicked out or anything of that sort, but what I am saying is this: a hungry tiger attacks and eats its natural enemies because of its nature. When it runs out of its natural enemies, where will it feed?

In Other News

Germany is experiencing severe turbulence as Salzburg was captured and Tyrol is currently experiencing RW, with PEACE winning at the time of publication by 60k.

Croatia now controls a majority of Serbia, with Serbia's complete destruction imminent within the next 48 hours.

A. Holst went penguin bowling (a.k.a. cursed out all of Denmark) after he was impeached by Denmark's Congress. He has gone to the US, assumedly seeking political asylum, and been replaced with Lerdeif, a Communist.

The first Baja war games are almost finished, with 55 minutes to go as of publication. Burrito food poisoning is rampant along the southern border.

That's all we have for today. 😃

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