A Response to Rolo Tahmasee's Candidacy

Day 1,292, 19:32 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

This article is in response to Rolo for CP.....Why Not?

Rolo is certainly not a favourite character in eCanada but what I do know is that he is a man of his word. If Rolo says that he will make huge donations to the MUs and to this country, he will.

We are all concerned about theft in this country, so who better to inform us about potential risks than Rolo. If he says that he has the majority of what he took, he does.

With the potential threat of invasion in our near future, who better to guide us that a man who knows about the military system. If he says he has a plan and we will have a purpose, we will.

Many have voiced concerns that a president needs to be a man of ethics and knowledgeable about the military and business. To that I say, those types of politicians are few and far between. Perhaps we were spoiled by having Jacobi as president for too long. Yes, Jacobi had both ethics and knowledge. But while ethics are important, knowledge is more so. If the choice is between someone who spews random political dribble to appease the populace, I for one, would want someone who can actually do something.

When you look at the opportunity before us, then weigh it against the risk, Rolo is the man that could lead our country back towards what is important. Something that is no longer looked down upon by our allies because of our infighting. Something that is no longer mocked by other nations because our leaders have no interest in leading. Something that is great, something that is powerful, something that is actually Canadian.

I know that due to the anti-Rolo sentiment that is in the country there will likely be backlash to this article and possibly negative affects on any future for my political career. With that said, I spent a lot of time, just like last month, considering all the candidates, speaking with each of time and have come to the above conclusion. Are there better candidates that Rolo? This month, no.

I am Wally Cleaver and I support Rolo Tahmasee for CP!