A new senate???

Day 826, 21:31 Published in Australia Portugal by Schoft

As the last month has flown by again, it's time to select a new senate again. Do select wisely as the your senator is only as good as his last term.

A couple of points that I raise is was if you are going to re-elect the same senator active? As always and in any party a number of senators only do this for the “medal” and the 5 Gold that is involved. Some get that opportunity every single month from their party.

If you work in the construction industry do remember that because of the cuts is some programs there is hardly any work anymore. I feel sorry for the better skilled construction workers that have worked on the hospitals and the defence systems that are placed in different states. Ask were your reward is in serving the country.

And of course we have the increase of the taxes, I personally don't agree with them but I will leave that aside. The issue is the following as we have erepublik V2 coming and no one knows what will happen, are we going to open the floodgates before, in my opinion we had to wait with that as I predict a time that we need to adjust, wages will plummet as we will lose the diamond sector. Currently the wages have already been adjusted to a reasonable point, but they will drop more (if you need a reference point have a look at all the construction jobs that are available). So we will have very cheap labour but other countries will laugh at us. Higher skilled workers will leave Australia because of the wages offered.

So when you are voting for the new members of the senate, do ask yourself what has my party/senator done for me and are they active enough to represent the people and not their own issues such as how can I score some cheap weapons.

Australia's future is in your hands choose wisely and not because your party say so.