A letter to dsalageanu

Day 460, 09:01 Published in Indonesia Brazil by Dio Jazar

Dear dsalageanu,

You just posted an article in four countries complaining about the fact that Iran, Indonesia and Pakistan can use the rules to their advantage. Oh how horrible you say, they want to switch the region between each other. They do not want to fight a fair battle! I am so disappointed.

I want to say something to you:

You have been doing exactly the same.

Dear dsalageanu, do you remember Russia? Do you remember the war? You had a chance to get your so called 'fair fight' back then. But no, what did you do? Instead of 'being a man' and 'trashing Russia in battle' you were the first to move the battlefield into eRepubliks political system. First of all by taking over the Russian Presidency. Second by retreating the country into non-existence with a president that was certain to be impeached.

Now, do not accuse anyone of using dirty tactics! You were among the ones who started this, however I did not even blame Romania for making use of the rules. Now you see the rules being used against yourself and you call your opponent cowards?

In this new light, I am saying the following, AND I will say it only once:

Get real!

Kind regards,

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