[V2] wow im excited

Day 811, 12:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

Reading the latest admin article
I thought i would recap the main points

Two new extra's to the game
Entertainment District
Training ground

Training Grounds - New War Module
There is going to be player on player fights, as is explanded in the article. Player and player fights are returning. You will also be able to do diffrent styles of training to develop your skill for strength. You can train tro become Infrantry, Tanks, a helocopter pilot or artilitary.
Winning fights will be won depending on strength and type. i.e. Tank beats Infrantry ect with infrantry beeting artilitary.
Training will now be compleatly diffrent which will alow you to train for a set amount of time to get more strength, the current module means you must pay for an extra increace in strength so i am begging them that this doesn't continue because it is destroying the economy. Q5 gun's have gone from 0.9 to 0.6 gold on the market since the time the new module has been online.

Entertainment District?
The entertainment will allow you to regain wellness in diffrent ways, you can spend GOLD (again - admin please stop this), on A cinema Ticket for two hours, A meal at a restaurent for three hours and also a day trip for eight hours. this allows you to regain wellness at diffrent rates. In my view this is just a replacement for Wellness boxes and will just be another time for the admins to get more gold off us.

Working - Company
You will be able to work as normal except for the fact that you will be able to work for up to twelve hours in the company. The longer you work the more pay you will recieve and the more skill gained. This will allow newer players to gain skill levels more easily. This may also have the opposite effect and make more advanced players to increace the distance between them selves and newer players because they are likely to work for 12 hours every day to get the most amount of skill increace and so produce more for there country and companys.

Revising? libary
Well i am sure you have all done enough revision in your real lives but here is some more, revision has come to eRepublik. Exams after exams in real life! The Libary will permit you to gain skill by revising. When you work you will gain skill in that set skill. The Libary will get you diffrent skills by revising them even if the skill is not where you work.

24 Hours to work and train
You will now have to spend longer on the game, two clicking will now be like 30 clicks or more. There will be a limit on how much Work and training you can do. There will be a limit of 12 hours on the amount of Working and training you can do.
This will mean that you can do a combination of spending time Working,Training, Entaining one self and spending time at the libary revising.

Thank you for reading
James Glover