[UKRP] Back in the hotseat

Day 2,186, 14:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thedark ace

So you may be able to utilise your powers of deduction and come to the conclusion that I'm running for the Party President of UK Reform. I'm pleased to announce that my vice-Party President for the month is Mittekemuis. Lots of work needs to be done to improve the dire state of the party and I believe that I can lead the campaign to do so. Please vote Thedark ace this 15th of November.

Why do I want to run?

Anyone who cares to take a glance at the political party rankings will notice our party is sat in 6th largest in terms of numbers, and due to game mechanics, this means we can't run our congress candidates under our own party. I believe UK Reform provides some of the best congressmen in the UK, and therefore the country as a whole is missing out when we aren't getting as many congressmen as we can. Getting UKRP back into a position that we can aid the country on a greater level is a must for this month. Similarly, I want to provide the best standard of congressmen that our party has to offer, increasing the level of discussion and thought that goes into the legislative body of our glorious nation, ensuring that we can provide the best quality of game as a country for the people of the UK.

Furthermore, UK Reform previously has been one of the most interactive parties, with keen discussion, activity, aid and encouragement for new players, but due to a series of poor party presidential terms for quite a while now, we don't offer these to a quality I'm happy with. At this time, no party in the eUK offer any of these qualities to a good standard. This must be rectified and Reform is a party that has always prided itself on mature discussion that is coupled with the endless banter that goes on within our IRC rooms and forum, so I hope to recreate these productive traits. Being able to provide any of these services to new players is instrumental, because if we don't we're going to end up with a country of mindless zombies and nobody to take over when the current leaders of the UK move on. We need to give that option to new players, to enjoy the game at a higher level and ensure the future of our country.

What I intend to do

Recruit new players, and give them a voice and the tools they need to be a positive part of both the party and the country, so they can play the game they want to at the best of their ability. I get a genuine kick out of seeing someone who I helped introduce to the game go places, so I'm going to do my best to help that. Getting Reformists back into cabinet, at both worker, deputy and top tiers in ministries with the goal of getting them to Prime Ministerial seat, so the country can be run by the best people for the job(s).

Putting the best people to be in congress actually in congress seems like common sense to most of us, however some party presidents seem to disagree. With the an alliance shift coming up, eUK congress has to look out of eUK interests, ensuring that the game is enjoyable for our citizens. This means whilst keeping the game fun, as a nation we must occasionally look to see the impact of our actions on the future eUK, but enjoyment being a key factor in the game ensuring this is the priority of our congressmen. I will put our best candidates into congress, encouraging activity and engagement in the workings of our country. Obviously, actions made by players beforehand that indicate they are active and do contribute to the nation will be looked upon favourably, those that begin to slip during the term will be pulled up on to ensure that quality standards are met.

Party infrastructure and communication between our own members is something we've been lacking of late, an instrumental factor in our recent decrease in size and influence. The party links need to be set up, so we can ensure our members our in the know on the happenings in our party, nation, parliament and the world as a whole so they have an informed opinion and, once again, get the most out of the game. So, we'll hopefully see the return of the party podcast and party mass messages, with more articles and greater emphasis on activity on the forum and IRC.

People need to enjoy the game at a party level more, as party actions are what get many players into the game and keep them there, even if they aren't a political individual. The retention rate in the eUK needs to increase, because we don't get enough new players these days. A party can play a key role in the retention and enjoyment of new players, encouraging them to come back to erepublik, which helps the UK. Obviously, to do this I'll be introducing as many new players as I can to IRC and the forums and the rest of the party, which should hopefully encourage many to stick around. New players will also be needed to help run the party, form part of our congress platform and will get all the support they need to get into government. I'll also be hosting a party conference or two, with a series of strikes throughout the month on IRC too. New players posting on the forums can expect a few weapons going their way too, with this offer not being exclusive to Reformists. On the whole, retention and the levels of activity in UK Reform are needed to increase if we want to expand as a party and continue to aid the eUK.

So I'd like everyone in UK Reform to vote tomorrow, and it pains me to say that I have no competition, so hopefully you'll be voting for myself. This month I hope to reignite that fire that parties occasionally lose, to get the Reform machine back up to the glorious power that it can be. We need to get new players into the positions that help them to enjoy the game and to improve the quality and efficiency of our ministries and congress. We need to put infrastructure back into our party, we need to help and educate new players so they can be free, we need to gain a greater foothold in the government so we can provide a better standard of government. This month is all about setting up an environment in which our party and its members can expand.

Thanks for your time,
Thedark ace