[UKPP] Candidates and Closure

Day 1,695, 11:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Garth Lidlington

As the Party President elections draws ever nearer, the search for a UKPP successor continues! Two potential candidates have stepped forward to claim the seat ad take the party even further.

Firstly, we will hear from Richard Feist on this intentions!

1. The UKPP has changed a fair bit of the course of the last few months, what could you bring to the position that would inject fresh ideas into the party?

1.I think what Garth and the other leading figures have done a fantastic job over the past two months. I was lucky enough to be a member of the UKPP from the moment I joined the game and so have seen what works and doesnt. I would plan to help Garth follow his plans through and make a serious CP run happen! Its time the UKPP got to where it belongs, at the heart of eUK politics! I would also like to see a push for 12-15 congress persons, which I believe is achievable.

2. The Royal Navy has been making leaps and bounds in progress, as well as recently hitting the top 25 in the world in Division 1, as a party how would you go about supporting the Navy?

2. The RN has progressed to a top 25 MU in some divisions as you have said. It is also regularly a top 2/3 MU in the eUK. I would like to see us consistantly hitting 20+ million damage daily which is very close. The party can help the RN by offering more support and funds when needed. I think they are already closely linked so the only real strides are needed in keeping people involved in both the UKPP and RN equally.

3. Lastly, anything you would like to add?

3. I have been the Recruitment and Retention officer for the UKPP/RN for the past two months and been pushing it in the erepublik community. I would like to continue this growth and get a dedicated team put into place for media, recruiting and Party relations (between our party and others). Lastly lets continue to make a push to be the best party in the eUK!

You can read more of what rich has to offer in his manifesto!


Next we hear from the other potential candidate, Angela Williams!


Well you can see her manifesto through this link, because she got a bit carried away with her answers!

Closing Words

Looking back at my last two terms i think a heck of a lot of progress has been made with the United Kingdom Progression Party. A lot of work has gone into it from a number of people and looking at the congress and cabinet positions, it goes without saying that we are still on the up!

Both candidates have more than enough ability to take the UKPP even further into the eUK and i wish them all the best!
