[TLP] What We Stand For

Day 2,483, 13:28 Published in Ireland South Korea by An Sluagh

~The Labour Party Manifesto~

[1.0] The following document outlines The Labour Parties official stance on democratic practices in eRepublik.

[1.1] This document is open to revision by the Party President of The Labour Party.

[1.11] The Party President of The Labour Party must have at least 50% membership vote approval to make any revision to this document.

[1.12] The Party President of The Labour Party must have at least 50% membership vote approval to abolish or replace this document.

[1.13] This document outlines The Labour Party stance on four fundamental areas:

A. Community & Citizen Welfare
B. Political Structure of Ireland
C. Military Affairs
D. Foreign Affairs

A. Community & Citizen Welfare

[2.0] A Party for Ireland

[2.1] The Labour Party’s purpose is to serve eIreland by creating a united and diverse community. It is here to ensure a sovereign eIreland, with a free government of citizens loyal in their operations first and foremost to eIreland.

[2.2] The Labour Party believes in equality for all citizens and welcomes every citizen who is open-minded and mature. Under no circumstances should any citizen of Ireland be discriminated or harassed in any form.

[2.3] The Labour Party believes in a democratic republic where all citizens of a nation are equally enfranchised to vote and elect government officials.

[2.4] When a group of individuals attempt to corrupt the democratic process without the intention of remaining a part of the respected Irish Community, The Labour Party reserves the right to take action as we see fit in order to protect the sovereignty of Ireland to govern itself.

[3.0] Financial Protection of Citizens

[3.1] The Labour believes no Irish citizen should live in poor financial circumstances. It is however the citizens responsibility to manage their own accounts accordingly.

[3.2] The Labour Party supports the lowest possible tax rates recommended by the respected Minister of Finance. The earnings of this tax revenue should be able to cover monthly costs. Minimum profit should be earned by the state through tax revenue to allow greater savings for the population.

[3.2]The Labour Party supports State Grant Schemes from official reserves. These Schemes should be operated by a trusted and respected citizen. Every Irish citizen is entitled to receive State Grants. The Country President is the only individual who can reject an application. Such State Grant Schemes should be run efficiently and at lowest cost possible.

[3.3] The Labour Party values the security of State assets. If the elected Country President and his/her appointed Minister of Finance wish to hide Official Reserves, we respect their right to do so. State organisations should only be accessible by the Minister of Finance and Country President.

[3.5] The Labour Party encourages the education of the population on maximizing their revenues through several alternative methods e.g; Monetary Market. New citizens should be provided adequate guides on the economical module of this game.

[4.0] Community Enrichment

[4.1] The Labour Party supports a united and diverse Irish Community. No individual citizen should receive preferential treatment as all citizens are universally equal. All Irish citizens should be allowed partake in Community events regardless of their background. The Country President alone reserves the right to ban a citizen from Community events.

[4.2] The Labour Party supports the funding of the Irish Community Department by the State. Each month the Department should be entitled to a donation by the State for the provision and distribution of prizes for Community events.

[4.3] The appointed Minister of Community is to be a trusted and respected citizen. He/She is to manage the Community Fund fairly and justly. It is their responsibility to manage the Community Fund appropriately and provide a sufficient number of events within their term of appointment. Any private donations to the Community Fund are to be handed accordingly.

B. Political Structure

[5.0] Country President

[5.1] The Labour Party recognises the elected Country President as the rightful leader of Ireland. We view the Country President as the only truly elected popular figure in Ireland. As a result it is their duty to lead the nation diligently and fairly.

[5.2] The Labour Party believes that the Country President alone has the power to ban or suspend Irish citizens from Community events and/or from State Grant Schemes.

[5.3]The Country President has complete power over State assets and national influence. They are at his/her disposal to be used appropriately and it is their duty to not breach the trust of the population.

[5.4] Upon being elected Country President, the elected citizen has the ability to use the powers granted to him/her as they desire. As they hold the highest office in Ireland, their decisions are final unless rejected with popular support.

[6.0] Congress

[6.1] The Labour Party recognises the Irish Congress as a safeguard for the Irish population. We see their role in Ireland as a prevention of rogue actions by the Country President and to make requested administrative proposals on behalf of the Country President and appointed Government Ministers.

[6.2] Congress reserves the right to propose an impeachment on the Country President. Twenty-four hours notice should be provided and the citizen who will take over the Presidential Office must give their seal of approval of the impeachment prior to proposal.

[6.3] Elected Congress officials are not allowed to accept pending citizenship applications without approval of the Country President or by an Official Immigration Processing Body. Failure to comply will result in an internal party investigation.

[6.4] Elected Congress officials are not allowed make rogue proposals. They are only authorised to propose requests by the Country President or by appointed Government Ministers. It is within their rights to propose an impeachment or provide the appointed Government with valid suggestions.

C. Military Affairs

[7.0] Irish Army

[7.1] The Labour Party recognises the Irish Army as the national military unit of Ireland.

[7.2] It is soldiers of the Irish Army's duty to comply with State orders which are approved by the Country President, the Minister of Defense and/or the Commander of the Irish Army.

[7.3] The Irish Army is to be part-funded by the State. All other sources of income are to be made through appropriate handling of Irish Army assets and resources.

[7.4] The Irish Army is to run an efficient commune system in which all soldiers should be encouraged and welcomed to join. Every commune member is entitled to their supplies pending they have completed the Irish Army’s appropriate requirements.

[7.5] The Labour Party believes the Irish Army should be divided into two factions. There should be one collective group for the general standard of soldiers and a separate elite faction which serves as a Mobile Task Force on behalf of the State.
[8.0] National Military Cooperation

[8.1] The Labour Party supports military cooperation between all Irish military units.

[8.2] The Labour Party promotes the idea of a message thread containing all appropriate military unit leaders within Ireland. It is our hope that this will concentrate Irish damage to essential battles whilst developing a united Community at home.

[8.3] The Labour Party supports the idea of weekly National Strikes. Irish citizens can make mass weapon donations to supply fellow countrymen for a coordinated strike for an Irish ally. We believe the State should subsidise these weekly National Strikes when required.

D. Foreign Affairs

[9.0] Alliances

[9.1] The Labour Party supports Ireland's membership of the alliance Aurora. We see it as our duty to defend and protect our allies and treat them in the same respect as we treat Ireland.

[9.2] The Labour Party remembers and recognises past friendships of Ireland. We believe that Ireland is fully entitled to a neutral position in certain conflicts to safeguard her own relationships.

[9.3] The Country President reserves the right to remove Ireland from any alliance it is a member of. This can be disputed within Congress but the Country President holds the ultimate decision as the populations elected representative.

[10.0] Northern Ireland

[10.1] The Labour Party does not accept the decision by eRepublik Labs to grant the United Kingdom with Northern Ireland as an original territory.

[10.2] The Labour Party supports the active effort to occupy Northern Ireland for only when such an activity does not negatively impact Ireland's future or present.

[10.3] We believe that no existing positive relationship or non-aggression pact should be sacrificed in securing Northern Ireland.


An Sluagh

Party President of The Labour Party
