[Sluagh] The Plan, Our Plan

Day 2,509, 06:28 Published in Ireland South Korea by An Sluagh

Campaign Theme Song

Citizens of Ireland,

Apologies for my slight inactivity this week, I've had to work extra hours to get off work this weekend due to my Debs tonight (a classier than average piss up).

In this article I will outline my plans and ambitions for the next month should I be appointed CP of Ireland.

1- Enhance Ireland’s communications

For many Presidential terms there was always the idea of messaging every single Irish Military Unit Commander. The reason behind it was that we would be able to pass on Aurora and National orders to the Commanders who would set their Daily Order in such fashion and thus pass on the message to their unit. This method was relatively successful. However, this term I began gathering intelligence on every single active eIrish citizen. Every single citizen without a Military Unit had their name passed onto an Irish Army as a potential recruit, I have no doubt as a result of this, Irish Army membership has increased. Furthermore, this data base has enabled me to set up the [Éire Mass Messaging] System. This new project has given us greater control over our citizens damage, it allows us to keep all our citizens informed, it makes Ireland into a concrete force. Every single citizen receives a message directly to them informing them of battle priorities and of important government announcements. As far as I know, no other country avails of such a system which makes us unique and should provide us a new advantage on the battlefield. It is my intention to continue building up this system and exploit it for its worth, every day battle orders should be published, every day citizens should be told where to get free food. Every day our government should be assisting our citizens.

Over a week agoSweet Drinker messaged myself and a few other citizens about a new potential forum idea. Forums have always been a problem due to them being held on external websites. We may however have found a new solution, its a complete different take and it is worth a shot. No registration is required, nothing. The idea is simple. We locate an old article on eRepublik and use each comment as a topic of discussion. Citizens can then reply to the comment and thus forth form a "forum thread". It's a new idea, it's different but I fully support giving it a trial.

2- Fundraise for an airstrike

As I stated in my last article, I wish to fundraise for an airstrike. I do not wish to launch one but instead give Ireland the capability to be ready to launch one. Airstikes can be highly effective as we have seen and we never know when we need one to avoid a wipe or to assist in an international war. It is always good to be ready, that is why we should be ready. Over the following month I hope to reach out to allies, enemies and our own citizens to contribute no matter how small to our fund.

3- Revision of new citizens message & resources

I do not know how long it has been since we have renewed our new citizens message and it is in no doubt in need of updating. As far as I can remember we did not hyperlink any of the links it contains, instead we rely on the new citizen to copy and paste - this is unprofessional. I wish to re-do the whole message, include banners, include hyperlinks and make our greeting as clean and easy on the eye as possible. Always make a good first impression.

The National Library is also another good project started by an eIrish citizen, Ian E Coleman. It is my intention to get a team of players to review the library, find old articles in need of updating and find new articles that need to be added. We should try to have the best infrastructure in place for our new citizens to make their early days as easy and hassle free.

4- Additional Plans

a) Support Raven Anarcho's new babyboom project by providing incentives to those who assist in attracting new citizens.

b) Continue the powerful relationship we have developed with South Korea. I wish to fully commit Ireland's resources to their attempts in gaining a congress.

c) Provide weekly updates on foreign affairs that both affect Ireland and that don't. Everyone loves a bit of international gossip.

d) Extend the free food project and make daily food supplies available to more of our citizens. We should always be looking to enhance our systems.

e) Publish accounts of income and expenditure only. The bank's full amount should not be made available publicly but citizens deserve the right to know our income and expenditure.

Ireland, do you want to dance?


An Sluagh.