[ORION] Weekly Damage Report

Day 3,234, 12:22 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ


today, we bring you another episode of ORION Weekly damage report. World War is raging and our members are doing their best to help our allies. Some of us even were targets of this War directly (for example Chilean AS on Serbian territories rented by Canada, or Latvian AS on Cuba). Therefore, you can expect an increasd military activity in ORION. And as you will see, the expectations meet the reality quite well 🙂 .

The first pie chart shows the total damage done by all ORION countries. In comparison with the last week, we improved our damage by almost 40 million. And we have shown the world we can muster a higher firepower if it is really needed.

The second graph compares average damage per citizen for each country, in comparison with ORION total average. This time, even three countries were able to surpass ORION average. Quite an interesting result, isn't it?

The next picture shows TOP10 ORION players in each division. All countries are represented in the table, and we even surpassed some of our damage records in certain divisions (I certainly don't remember our top D2 plaxer doing more than 3 million damage). Will we able to continue in this trend? Or will it end once the World War ends (with our victory, of course)? We will have to wait for the next week to tell us more.

That's all for today. If you have any idea how to improve this Damage Report, let me know.

Janty F