[MyStory] Jimbobfrey

Day 2,192, 07:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

My name is Jimbobfrey. I saw that there’s a ‘My Story’ week so I thought I’d write my story since I haven’t done it before.

For some reason, I write down on my profile page whatever positions I have had in my eLife. I can now recall everything! Yay! 😃

Well, I say everything but I mean that I recall everything all jumbled up! It took me a while to look up old articles as references for timescale purposes and I spent a couple of hours working out relative dates to figure out which month I did things in. Plus, there are 3 months when I was vPP of the PCP but I can’t remember which months those were. I also had a second British Army avatar which I used in March/April but I can’t find it! 😮

The start - October 2012

I joined eRepublik on the 31st October so I only just qualify as having started this crazy eRepublik addiction in October. I was exceptionally bored and was on the computer downloading all kinds of rubbish games to give myself something to do. Then, I opened eRepublik and though ‘No way! That looks like a load of rubbish!’. Haha!

So I looked around for a few more hours before giving in and registering on eRepublik. It turns out this ‘load of rubbish’ is actually really addictive!

I quickly found the Funky Militia MU and I thought I would stick to that and try and find out what eRepublik’s all about. I got myself into a habit of running for captaincy every month.

TL😃R version: I joined eRepublik and the Funky Militia MU.

November 2012

This was a 2-clicker month! I basically was exploring the eUK to try and find somewhere I could call home. In joined the TUP… and very quickly left, sorry TUP (at least you don’t have to put up with me!). Instead, I found the People’s Communist Party (PCP). I met ACroc and Acesman first. Between them, they managed to convince me to stay here.

TL😃R version: I joined the PCP.

My first avatar:

December 2012

December was the first month in which I took an interest in eRepublik politics. I became a Congressman with a PCP and New Era coalition. That felt good (even though I had no idea what I was doing there!).

Steeev gave me a commune job around this time (in exchange, I try to send him some WRM whenever it builds up to a noticeable amount in my storage).

I ran for captaincy in my MU since October and had never been successful so I was given the title of ‘Sub-commander of Funk’ to try and make up for it.

TL😃R version: 1st term as Congressman, got a PCP commune job and got given the title Sub-commander of Funk.

January 2013

The new year marked a new chapter of my eLife as I tried to get more involved in politics. Well, a little bit anyway.

Acesman came onto #pcp one day and said ‘Hey Jimbobfrey, fancy being MoH?’. BigAnt was starting his 2nd term at that point and Acesman was just about to declare that he’s too busy to be MoH that month. So I responded with ‘Yes please! What’s MoH?’

And, yeah, then we both went to BigAnt (on some IRC channel whose name escapes me now) and he said ‘Yeah sure, you can be MoH. Welcome to the team 😛’. For a new player, that was quite cool and so I guess I really owe getting interested in cabinet-level politics to Acesman because I had only thought of joining Congress before that.

Later in January, I ran for Congress with another PCP and New Era coalition. I got in again! Happy Jimbob!

TL😃R version: 1st term as MoH and 2nd term as Congressman.

February 2013

I applied to be MoH again if BigAnt won a reelection. In a controversial election, he did! There was a mixed reaction to that - I quite liked what BA was doing but people were saying that invading Norway, Germany and Ireland all at the same time would be damaging to our relations. Pooft, ‘course not!

However, he didn’t make me the MoH. Plot twist! Instead, he gave me the title of MoHA. That was kinda cool. At least, it was once I found out what the Ministry of HOME affairs meant because I’ve always been such a noob and I couldn’t figure it out! That was awesome, I barely had to do anything at all!

I ran for PP and came second in the elections so was given the role of vPP (either Zaphod or Calross was the PP, I believe).

TL😃R version: 1st term as MoHA, ?th term as vPP

March 2013

I applied to be MoHA again (this was RFeist’s government) and I was successful! I spent ages working on a big census to try and understand what people wanted the government to do and then I used that to basically tell each cabinet member how they could improve. Fun but messaging the vast majority of the eUK was a bad way to go - so tiring! Nothing compared to what the MoHA does nowadays though!

March was also the first (and currently the only) time I successfully became the PCP’s PP. This was a very fun month and I tried to get involved and set up a recruitment system and I posted every 2 days on the PCP feed with links to articles giving away food/weapons. Woohoo! Fun times!

I also gave up on running for captaincy each month in Funky Militia (which I had been doing since December) and I joined the British Army MU. I felt like the only member who wasn’t from New Era but it was good fun and it had good supplies and activity too! I enjoyed being there.

TL😃R version: 2nd term as MoHA, 1st term as PP and joined the British Army MU.

British Army avatar:

April 2013

At the very end of the March term (literally right before the CP elections), I had a brainwave and came up with the idea to make an eUK Library. One place where we could store all guides, history and interesting articles which were published in the eUK. I again reapplied to be MoHA but was given the position of MoE within a much larger MoHA domestics group and Cygnus X1 as the MoHA leader. All he asked me to do was to set up and run the eUK University with him. It was supposed to be a series of ‘assignment’ articles with some instructions on how to do simple things. If players under level 28 commented with screenshots of them doing any of these assignments, they would receive a generous amount of money. However, nobody ever did!

This meant I had plenty of spare time so I was also left in charge of creating the eUK Library and, after a rubbish first attempt, VaultGuy (now dead) contacted me and offered me a new website which was great!

So we both worked on the eUK Library and he gave me admin rights to it and it was good. Of course, some people criticised the need for an off-site library and Wayne & Chaz’ Memorial Library was set up at that time. And someone kept complaining to me on IRC about my lack of artistic talent! Hehe, it was helpful criticism mostly though. The only bad criticism was when I experimented with letting people pay for advertisements on the eUK Library. Not a good idea, don’t try it!

Finally, on the 27th April 2013, I went to the first meeting of the current leftists organisation, the eComintern, in which it was formally founded. It was cool to be there and I had been spending quite a lot of time previously working with Fitzgerald13 to try to get support for the eComintern idea.

TL😃R version: 1st term as MoE, I founded the eUK Library and I helped set up the eComintern.

May 2013

In May, I was not accepted into the MoHA but I was accepted into the MoH instead. This month was my second term as the Minister of Health. I love doing this, it’s such a good thing to do!

However, I still kept myself busy with the eUK Library with VaultGuy. I became totally addicted to it and it was so cool to do this with him!

The PCP was also subjected to me, as vPP, trying to run a ‘League table’ of minigames with Q7 weapons going out to the highest scores of each game and also to the highest ranked people overall (once I got bored of running this). I ended it just before the PP elections after which ACroc ran some PCP Olympics with even more generous prizes and more varied games! That was awesome!

In the eComintern, I helped Fitzergerald13 to arrange more meetings. We then set up the eComintern Central Committee (CCeC) and I was the representative from the PCP. It was quite hard trying to keep track of all the representatives - one from each eComintern member party - as there were a fair number of them to say the least!

TL😃R version: 2nd term as MoH, ?th term as vPP, 1st term as CCeC member

June 2013

Unfortunately, at this time, I had exams looming ahead and these were restricting my eRepublik time :’(

Still, I found time to work as a MoH supplier every day. And I had got to the point of absolute insanity with the eUK Library as I was updating on an almost daily basis! It was crazy!

The British Army had reduced its supplies and I became less well off being there so I left in search of another MU who might be willing to supply me. I joined the Liberty UK MU but that didn’t really satisfy me as much as the British Army had so I left it and went around a couple of others (who I can’t remember much of, sorry guys!).

TL😃R version: 1st term as MoH supplier and left the British Army MU.

Avatar given to me by Elasitis:

July 2013

I deliberately kept this month free to focus on my RL exams. However, I was still working on the eUK Library.

Then, the unimaginable happened! VaultGuy left eRepublik and, with him, went the eUK Library. The site went down and it disappeared forever. That meant a lot to me and I was upset when it came to an end :’(

I then decided to join the Owl Army MU in Spain. This meant (since you couldn’t join foreign MUs at that point) that I had to temporarily leave the PCP and obtain Spanish citizenship in order to join this MU. It was worth it though because it felt fun and it helped me to obtain 2 Mercenary medals!

TL😃R version: The eUK Library collapsed and joined the Owl Army MU.

Owl army avatar:

August 2013

In August, I applied to work in the MoH as a MoH supplier.

Owl army decided to move from Spain to Belarus due to the commander being from eBelarus. This was in response to the admins finally letting players join foreign MUs so I could keep my British citizenship and join the Owl Army BY MU.

TL😃R version: 2nd term as MoH supplier and joined the Owl Army BY MU.

September 2013

I carried on being a MoH supplier. Towards the end of September, I left Owl Army and rejoined the British Army. I stayed there for a few weeks before leaving again. I retreated to the Korean People’s Army in North Korea. However, its daily orders were all pro-CoT so I quickly left and noticed a friend shouting about the opening of his MU, the Armed Forces of CATLAND. So I joined that in the hope that I might finally find a MU that I want to settle down in.

TL😃R version: 3rd term as MoH supplier, rejoined the British Army MU and then joined the Armed Forces of CATLAND MU.

New Baby Avatar:

October 2013

I reapplied to work as a MoH supplier again. Noticing a pattern here? October was the first month I ever managed to get anywhere with a MU and I became the Captain of the Armed Forces of CATLAND MU (later called Imperial_Guards) in Belarus. This was very fun and got me more interested in following the progress of wars. I also noticed that F. Simple (our MU’s commander) had made Acroc and I 2nd Commanders. Ooh, I like titles, thanks F. Simple!

Another thing which was very different about this month was that I started writing more regular articles for my newspaper. I started a series of articles called ‘Let’s Chat’ which basically discuss popular topics on eRepublik and are meant to trigger further discussion - some of them have definitely achieved that, LOL! Thanks to everyone who votes them up!

TL😃R version: 4th term as MoH supplier, 1st term as Captain of my MU and the start of my ‘Let’s Chat’ series.

New Avatar:

Now - November 2013

This month, I am enjoying my 5th term as a MoH supplier. I am also the Spokesman (article-writer) for the PCP and I am the Captain of my MU. I was undisputed in the captains elections so I was happy with that! 😉

My ‘Let’s Chat’ articles are still being written and I have a couple more topics to speak about whenever I get the chance to sit down and write them. I am running for Congress which would be really cool because I want to donate the medal gold to the NHS to help them do their amazing jobs. Keep it up, guys!

Ooh, sorry for such a long and probably rather self-involved article (you should have expected that - it’s called Jimbobfrey for a reason, you know? Hehe) but there’s two last things I’d like to say. I’m working on a new library which will hopefully be suitable for any eNationality. It will be called Jimbobfrey’s Library and I will open it when I’m finished preparing it! Yay!

The other thing I wanted to briefly add was that I am currently developing a model to predict outcomes (and hopefully later more specific scores) about the outcome of campaigns based on past data. It will need a few more months’ work to make it accurate enough for me to use properly but it is still quite cool!

TL😃R version: 5th term as MoH supplier, 1st term as PCP Spokesman, hopefully will soon be my 3rd term as a Congressman, working on preparing Jimbobfrey’s Library before official opening and, finally, making a military module model.

That’s my eLife so far! Thank you to everyone I know here! You have all made it so much fun and I can't yet see any time I'm not going to be playing eRepublik because I would miss everyone too much if I left.
