[MWC] September 13 full term PP review

Day 2,126, 15:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

This will be a severely shortened PP review as I was writing the last one up my Microsoft Word went to not responding and I didn’t save so I lost all my work… this was all I had time to write up but does indeed get the message across

Welcome to my round up of how each party did in terms of membership
Firstly a clarification
This month the total number of players in top parties went from 934 to 810 a 13.3% decrease
So actual change may be -6% but if you factor in what happened on average they did 7.3% better than the average so this is their adjusted change I shall be quoting both figures for each party
In this example
Actual change = -6%
Modified change = +7.3%

bigger version http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/8418/s3ax.png

Again I apologise for the shortness of this losing my last doc really annoyed me

bonus stuff

I recently did eJoke day where I tried to post 90 jokes on the feed in 1 day
I did not manage this and therefore all jokes I did not use are below some were so bad I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use them some I thought you may have heard before and some I just didn’t get around to but here they are

My girl caught me blowing my d*ck with the air dryer, and asked what I was doing? Apparently "warming your dinner" wasn't a good answer.

woman: it’s none of your business
man: I’m a vet b****es are my business

I hear Taylor Swift's ex boyfriends are collabing on a new single called "Maybe You're The Problem".

roses are red
violets are blue
we're having sex
cause i'm stronger than you.

Reading while sunbathing makes you well-red.

How many Spaniards does it take to change a lightbulb Juan

my dad was a man of few words, I always remember he used to say to me ‘’son’’

I was in the park wondering why a frisbee looks bigger the closer it gets. And then it hit me

I've got nothing against the Chinese. Don't get me Wong.

Never ask for directions from a starfish

if you watch Cinderella backwards it’s about a woman learning her place

Zombies eat brains.

So you're probably safe.

I may not be the only egomaniac in the world, but I am the only one who matters.

Tic tac vote that 😁😁
Big mouth shout that Love you long time sub that >>>>>>
Ducks have feelings too comment that \/\/\/\/