[MWC] eJoke Day OVER

Day 2,118, 08:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by mwcerberus

[MWC] eJoke Day- OVER

The 8th of September was the first eRepublik eJoke Day

What does this mean?

Well on the 8th September I polluted (spammed) the feed with as many jokes as possible I got though (77/90)
Oh and also I was encouraging anyone else who would like to tell jokes to also shout them on this special eRepublik day and gosh darn it you guys delivered

So if you wish to hear my jokes TOUGH

i print screened i think every joke you guys posted so that's my next article sorted

What is a joke?

Well yer mmm well either things that are funny OR puns so bad they make you groan
Jokes are meant to provoke a reaction in this case laughing or groaning so don’t spare me your best puns

Will you do this again

Yer probably maybe 2nd sunday/saturday in January

bonus pics

BEST/WORST mums and dads special