[MOO] Official Ministry of Opportunity Party President Candidate

Day 1,455, 20:26 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

This evening, I am pleased to inform you that Wally Cleaver has been selected as the Official MOO candidate for Party President. Wally for some time now has been a good friend to the party and will make an excellent party president. As CPP and MDP's former Ambassador to MOO, he was able to strengthen relationships between MOO and the other parties in eCanada. Mr. Cleaver is a strong supporter of the 6 Opportunities of MOO and will strive to hold these 6 key values during his term as Party President.

Opportunity #1: Maintain a full complement of region bonuses
MOO advocates for optimum process efficiency in the country for the self-supply networks of all citizens by having a full complement of region bonuses available in eCanada. MOO supports region renting, region swapping and/or region conquering in order to achieve all ten of the in-game production bonuses of grain, deer, cattle, fish, fruit, salt, iron, aluminum, oil and rubber.

Opportunity #2: Maintain strong positive relationships with our allies.
Opportunity for eCanadians in the countries of our allies through congress exchanges and military exchanges. International exchanges will strengthen our relationship with allies and engage players in the game.

Opportunity #3: Subsidize soldiers who fight in the national military network.
Opportunity for each eCanadian soldier willing to fight to receive some sort of government subsidy in exchange for their role in the national network of soldiers.

Opportunity #4: Provide funding to ecitizens to develop their self-supply network.
Opportunity for each eCanadian to receive assistance in the development of their self-supply network and Town Centre upgrades.

Opportunity #5: Lead the information campaign for new players.
Opportunity for eCanadian babies to be equipped with the information they need to succeed and reach adulthood. A type of marquee would be developped, a series of articles covering the development steps of the new player and the resources available during those formative first weeks. This series would be published in the media and endlessly scroll. With each cycle, the content would be "tweaked" in a continuous improvement effort.

Opportunity #6: Promote unity between citizens, parties, military groups and nations.
Opportunity for eCanadians to live in a nation of unity where relationships are built and nurtured and intolerance is stamped out. Unity is expected between parties, between military groups. Raise the profile of ambassadors, develop more exchange programs, develop more mechanisms to resolve disputes.

Consider joining Ministry of Opportunity (MOO) today. MOO is committed to keeping income taxes low, keeping product prices low, and keeping wads of money out of the hands of government. Join the MOO forum.


The MOO Executive

Party President and Director of Elections - IronToader
Director of Recruitment - Yuri Kaczynski
Party Founder - Addy Lawrence
Party Builder - Mafanikio
Party Builder - Olafur Knutsson
Party Builder and Steward - Plugson

Party President of MOO

There's rumours circulating that I had a hand in 'hacking' IronToader's account. This is pure BS. Here's some logs from #secretz. And who is owner of #secretz? None other than IronToad himself.

[22:05] what?
[22:05] welcome Muglack
[22:05] im bored sh*tless, the game is f*cking boring
[22:05] lets do something interesting
[22:05] lol
[22:05] get people to vote Laser in UN
[22:05] that's who I'm voting for.
[22:06] i was voting for wally in moo
[22:06] toad, don't worry about me...vote laser
[22:06] laser it is
[22:06] is he on irc?
[22:07] maybe...
[22:07] I don't remember the PTO channel though...nor do I remember his nick
[22:08] asl evilz
[22:08] ask even
[22:08] that's Lego-Kun
[22:08] 😁
[22:08] I thought lego when by lego_kun...and evilz was laser
[22:09] ok
[22:09] Toad, if some noob sends you a PM about me...ignore it 😛
[22:10] multying?
[22:10] eh?
[22:10] no, just PMing every noob in MOO 😛
[22:11] Wally want me to post the article from my newspaper?
[22:11] bahahahha
[22:11] yes
[22:11] since i like my good rep
[22:11] ill say i was hacked
[22:11] I'll get you the code
[22:11] sound good?
[22:12] lets buy some votes too
[22:12] http://pastebin.com/HyFsxhpP
[22:12] I've got vote buying covered 😉
[22:13] u fine with me saying i was hacked?
[22:13] well, as long as you don't go so far as to ticket it 😛
[22:14] i wont ticket it
[22:14] and wait until part way through tomorrow to 'notice' it 😛
[22:14] im going hidden
[22:15] from #ecan
[22:15] this chan is +s
[22:15] lol, nice
[22:17] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-moo-the-ministry-of-opportunity-s-choice-for-pp-1904262/1/20#comments
[22:17] Muglack
[22:17] 😃
[22:17] I'm tempted to delete my article now and pretend this is the only one that existed
[22:18] lol
[22:19] like my post
[22:20] Janos thinks ive been hacked xD
[22:20] lulz
[22:20] lolyes
[22:20] if you get elected PP
[22:20] i get to run for cp
[22:20] lol
[22:20] we'll see about that 😛
[22:21] and for congress in ontario
[22:21] *** Toad is now known as Toador
[22:21] now no one can trace me
[22:21] you can defintely run in Ontario
[22:22] making you the cp candidate
[22:22] yes!
[22:22] no...make Rolo
[22:22] I wouldn't set myself
[22:23] i cant
[22:23] but keep the name and avatar of moo the same
[22:23] hes not in moo
[22:23] ok, then leave it on addy
[22:23] don't want it to be 'too' suspicious 😛
[22:23] ok
[22:23] ill run for cp then
[22:23] lol ok
[22:24] that makes sense anyways...a lot of PP's set themselves

*Modified to remove Toad's use of profanity.*