[MoF] Nigeria wants to buy 50 k weapons Q7 and get offers!

Day 2,632, 06:39 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

The eNigerian Government, a neutral country in the New World, seeks to invest to get the best profitability of their financial resources. Given this objective is that the Ministry of Finance wants to invest some of your money in buying weapons at low cost. It is common practice in many citizens who also play the economic module. Weapons purchased at low cost then will be sold in the most convenient time in the market. In this way we can obtain a significant gain by this operation for buying and selling.

The Ministry of Finance of Nigeria wants to buy 50,000 weapons Q7 at the lowest cost. We seek citizens the New World with the best offer. Although entrepreneurs interested not reach such a high amount of armaments, we are willing to buy a smaller amount if the offer for sale is convenient enough for the purposes of this Ministry.

Businessmen interested in selling high quantities of weapons Q7 to the Government of Nigeria should contact the team of the Ministry of Finance: Hunnensohn - Poncho Warrior