[MoE] Drunken Druids and Vichy States

Day 3,813, 15:27 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Class be seated....

Yes, I know it says congregation and not class... but it is a kick arse song

After my appointment to Minister of Educamation, I called out to the people for idea's on how they wanted to be educamated. In the public shout feed, Exaleted Druid asked to be taught how to "get properly sh!t faced drunk" and the first comment in my article came from Winston Hope Smith saying "Do yourself a favour, resign and delouse yourself, you'll need it after contact with that traitor". Whilst there are other requests, I will deal with these two in todays article.

How to get properly sh!t faced drunk

Well Mr Druid, thank you for taking the time to ask such an important question. While some people might think I am a drunken bum, I prefer to go by the more upstanding title of Whiskey Connoisseur or when my missus tells me to quit drinking, I prefer to announce that I am not a quiter and therefor I will not give up drinking.

But back to the main point of your question, How to get properly sh!t face drunk. Well, in my opinion it really depends on where your living. As different countries have different rules/laws on booze sales in bars and pubs (if your planning on getting sloshed outside). For example, in Australia, many places now do not sell double shots of spirits. Which means if you enjoy your JD nice and strong, you can not order it the way you like it. However you can get around this by ordering yourself a JD and Coke (if you desire to mix it with Coke) and order a shot of JD for your 'friend' back at the table. Once the bar tender has turned his/her back, all you do is drop your shot into your glass and pow like magic it is a double.

The other trick is to learn about cocktails.... see the strange thing is, in Australia where you can't order a double, the pub has no problem serving you a Long Island Ice Tea, which is basically 5 shots of spirits.... yep work that one out, they wont let you have a double, but will serve something with 5 shots in it....

How ever, it also depends on your body type/resistance to booze. For this, I would strongly suggest that you take the time and invest in seeing what your booze limits are. The best place to do this is somewhere like Boracy in the Philippines where they have bars that have a happy hour between 2pm - 10pm (yep that is one bloody long hour) and dirt cheap margarita's (it has lime juice in it, so it is healthy). The other way to get really sh!t faced would be to mix your drinking with some good old over the counter (again depending on where you live) medication. A nice combo is Tramadol (basically Pharma Heroin) and some spirits. There are many combo's that you could take to quicken yourself up to being sh!t faced, however you must be warned that it might have a very bad side affects.

And now onto WHS question....

Do yourself a favour, resign and delouse yourself, you'll need it after contact with that traitor

Hello Mr WHS, whilst I understand your comment was not quite a question per say, but more of a point, I thought it would be a good way to touch on some game mechanics in this regard.

eRep allows players to nominate themselves and run for a variety of political positions, like congress, party president and even be endorsed and run for CP. However some titles can be bestowed on the player and they have no way of 'resigning' from them. These include positions given to the player in their political party as well as positions given by the CP, for example Minister of Educamation or VCP. These positions are given out by the Party President (for the political party ones) and the CP for the government roles.

So while Plato allows players to be linked, even against their will to corrupt or traitors governments, just like a dictatorship, it is all most impossible for the said player to resign or distance themselves from the government. Also they can't quite delouse themselves. However, one can turn it to their advantage and release articles in their role which can either poke fun at the said government, undermined them or just give the country and people a good laugh at it all.

For example, you were made VCP, so you could by all rights and power given to you, release Daily Orders telling our great National MU... oh wait that MU was forced upon us and is a failure... well you can release Daily Orders to the people of Ireland and tell them where to fight. After all you are the VCP now.

But I do digress. In a nut shell, I can't resign from a position I had no choice in being appointed. I could up and quit the country, which is the only way to get away from serving in Moo's cabinet. Or I could do what I am doing, grabbing the bull by the horns and have some fun with it. For instance I could do an article begging for people to buy my products from the market and then pocket the money or give it to the government to waste on battles to keep Ireland occupied. Or I could answer Moo's question for an education piece about “ countries that are really colonies for other countries”.... mmm now that will be interesting 😉

Well that is all for now.... but before I go on tomorrow and answer more of the pressing educational concerns of our people, I need to ask one question:

Because I know for sure that I will be going very close to crossing the line.

And for any Irish citizens who comment, I will send you some food. Might as well give away some things as well, since the MoE tends to be the one running the food bank.

Your old friend,
Rusty D