[MDP] A Year In Brief Review

Day 1,861, 11:20 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

Another year has come and gone as well a lot of changes to the MDP.

So let’s go back and take a look at the crazy year 2012 was.
From December to March the MDP was in a slow decline activity was low and for awhile it looked like the MDP has come and gone.

Until April.
Rylde took over as Dictator in April and began the slow process of rebuilding his party. Those were the months of Sperry and his rise to power once again. He raged quit of some sorts leaving the nation divided once again. So in June from the ashes a Coalition was formed between the MDP and Norsefire.

Simon would be dictator for the next 4 months, but will get back to that shortly.
first the
rise and fall of the coalition

June 6th: By 1 vote the Coalition/MDP elects Rylde the party’s first very own Candidate.
June 26th: First majority Congress elected to eCanada. 19 Congress drones

That month we faced a 2 front war against Spain+Poland. Over 6 000 000 CC was donated to the effort and in the long run we won.

Next CP election Rylde is elected to office again. USA elites make eCan look like the bad guy, and CanAm War 2 is started. This marks the Miracle at Manitoba yata yata.

By then Summer had come and gone and so had most of the activity.
In September Wally Cleaver (Coalition Candidate) was somehow re-elected to office.

Axis of Boredom is elected to office in October. Venerable has troubles irl forcing another slow decline in the MDP.

November Muglack is the new Dictator. Calls off the coalition. A new foundation is laid. MDP elects 6 very active citizens to Congress that month.

Muglack is re-elected as Dictator in December marking the 2 years of Dictatorship in eCanada.

On December 16th the MDP was officially 2 years old

So here we are today.
A whole year behind us.

For me I hope we see another year of MDP in eCanada and the excitement it always brings.

The MDP would like to make this Christmas a special one with our specially designed plates that the family will be sure to love!

So thank-you for supporting us eCanada and have a merry Christmas!

Just a quick note from the Dictator.

I realize it's a busy time of year for everyone, and there's bigger more important things going on tomorrow that you'd rather be thinking about than Erepublik, but if you could take a few seconds at some point during the day to vote in the Congress election it could really make a difference.

Vote totals on Christmas Congress days tend to be a lot lower because of people being busy in real life so tomorrow more than ever every vote counts.

Your Loving and Devoted Dictator,
