[MBGA] Zȁbār vaš predsjednik !

Day 4,032, 11:36 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by Fanaxidiel

English version here, Bosnian version below.

Dear fellow citizens,
As you already know a spectre is haunting eBiH: the spectre of Zabarism.
Zabarism is a well known contagious sickness that gets transmitted from an italian player to other players, until a whole nation is ill.

I am here to ask you not to resist to Zabarism, but to accept it and be assimilated. How to be assimilated? Vote Fanax for CP!

What I offer you in exchange? Why should you let Zabarism spread in eBiH?

Let's first talk about the medical treatment of this sickness.
A medical TEAM OF MEN will assist you:

BROMINATOR, wannabe VICE CP, will run diagnostics - like he does on PC - and help in taking control of the vital organs of eBiH, granting some continuous control over the evolution of the sickness.

TOPMIR, wannabe MOD, will help with black medicine, old shamans' procedures and he will be your black man in a white coat.

MR. BEELZEBUB and NEMANJA PAVLOVIC II wannabe Chiefs of Medical Head Quarters, offered to take care of the cures, the medicines and the drugs (yes, this section couldn't be given to Topmir for obvious reasons).

PARTIGIANO GIOVANNI, wannabe minister of entertainment, will be the Patch Adams doctor of the hospital, and will run the famous and entertaining T4L CRIME NIGHTS in eBiH that will attract many players and help.

Also a medical TEAM OF WOMEN will be assisting and managing everything, also because the voices coming from the clinical rooms say that ZABARISM spreads firstly among the female population:

CYNTHIA ROMERO, wannabe MOFA, will be the chief of our international affairs, acting as a patient and caring nurse of our diplomatic relationships.

PRINCESS THE MAGNIFICIENT, wannabe MOINT, and already a royal of eBiH, will take care of the internal matters enlightened by her noble manners.

RABBIT OF CAERBANNOG, wannabe MOINF, will constantly take care of the medical bulletins granting a fast-like-a-rabbit and efficient information service.

What are the symptoms of Zabarism? The effects that it produces on players?

- First of all Zabarism affects the SLEEP. The sleeping players who starts to be affected by it, will immediately feel the urge to stay awake.
This could mean that a country affected by Zabarism starts being more active, both on the internal and international sides.
- Another symptom is WILL OF FIGHT. Instead of hunting frogs, the patients who are affected by Zabarism start to have the will to fight and better resources to do it. As a consequence, generally, Zabarism causes the number of wars, train wars, medals, ranks and fighters to increase up to 50%.
- Many patients have also shown signs of MAGNETISM since they could attract several players from abroad.
- A PHYSICAL SYMPTOM that has been found among some weak-minded population is a sort of paralysis of the hands in a curious position:

The affected players will be included in an EXPERIMENTAL THERAPY which will add the possibility, for each patient to benefit of the cure they want the most. If some patients are interested in reviving their newspapers, they will have prizes for that. Those who want better economic conditions will find calendars, international agreements and strategic productions to reach their goal. Those who want to fight more, will be given special pills to help them on the battlefield.

As a fact, NATIONAL ORG(an)S haven't been used for a while, and the team of surgeons will start to reactivate them and invest with them, creating another source of income.

It's also important to spread awareness about the sickness, creating a RESEARCH AND STUDIES DEPARTMENT to stop the misinformed superstitions (like the ones who say that Pizza and Spaghetti increase the chances to be affected). That is why we will call some teachers from abroad and involve them to help the newborn or just back players in learning the new dynamics of the game and get up-to-date.

Whoever of you would like to practice as a physician in this Zabaristic Crew, is invited to give his own availability with a PM to Fanax.

I really want to thank all the crew, especially those belonging to my party, considering that without them, there would be no chance of contagion and that in this moment, to run together, we really have to be a bit sick xD.

I also say a big thanks to the Za Bolju eBIH Medical Association and the HZ.HB. Surgeons Union who kindly granted their support in this pandemic diffusion of the virus.

A big thank lastly to whoever will join the affected population and will vote for us in the incoming presidential elections.

Some people come to you and they say: "You are sick, I am the cure".
We can't be so bol😛 we'll just say: "We are the sickness. Wanna join?"

Have a wonderful time everyone!

Bosnian version here, thank you BROMINATOR!!!!!

Dragi sugrađani,
Kao što znate, duh progoni eBiH: duh Žabarizma.
Žabarizam je veoma poznata zarazna bolest koja se šiti od italijanskog igraca na ostale, dok čitava nacije ne bude bolesna.

Ovdje sam da vas zamolim da se ne opirete Žabarizmu, već da ga prihvatite i naviknete. Kako da prihvatite? Glasajte za Fanax na predsjedničkim izborima!

Šta vam nudim u zamjenu? Zašto da dozvolite širenje Žabarizma u eBiH?

Hajde prvo da razgoovaramo o medicinskom tretmanu ove bolesti.
Medicinski TIM MUŠKARACA pomoći će vam:

BROMINATOR, kobajagi POD CP, radit će dijagnostiku - kao što radi na PCu - i pomoći kontrolisati vitalne organe eBiH, obezbjeđavajući kontinuiranu kontrolu evolucije bolesti.

TOPMIR, kobajagi MOD, pomoći će sa crnom medicinom, starim šamanskim procedurama i biti će vaš crni čovijek u bijelom kaputu.

MR. BEELZEBUB i NEMANJA PAVLOVIC II kobajagi Šefovi Medicinskog Štaba, ponudili su se da se brinu od liječenju, lijekovima i drogom (da, ova oblast nije se mogla dati Topmiru iz očitih razloga).

PARTIGIANO GIOVANNI, kobajagi Ministar Zabave, biti će Patch Adams doktor bolnice, te vodit će famozni i zabavni "T4L CRIME NIGHTS" u eBiH koji će privuci mnoge igrače.

Također medicinski TIM ŽENA pomagati će u svemu, zvukovi iz medicinski soba kažu da ŽABARIZAM se širi prvo kod ženske populacije:

CYNTHIA ROMERO, kobajagi MOFA, biti će šef naših internacionalnig odnosa, kao medicinska sestra vodeći brigu o našim diplomatskim odnosima.

PRINCESS THE MAGNIFICIENT, kobajagi MOINT, već kraljica eBiH, vodit će brigu o internim stvarima prosvijetljena svojim plemenitim manirima.

RABBIT OF CAERBANNOG, kobajagi MOINF, konstantno će voditi brigu o medicinskim biltenima pružajući brzo-kao-zec i efikasno informacijske usluge.

Koji su simptomi Žabarizma? Efekti koje proizvodi na igračima?

- Najprije, Žabarizam utječe na SAN. Uspavani igrači koji budu pogođeni, osjetit će nagon da ostanu budni.
Ovo može značiti da država pogođenja Žabarizmom počinje biti više aktivna, kako interno tako i internacionalno.
- Sljedeći simptom je ŽELJA ZA BORBOM. Umjesto lovljenja žaba, pacijenti pogođeni Žabazirzmom imaju želju za borbom i više resursa da za to. Kao posljedica, obično, Žabarizam prouzrokuje mnoge ratove, trening ratove, medalje, rankove i borce poveća i do 50%.
- Mnogi pacijenti pokažu i znakove MAGNETIZMA obzirom da mogu privući druge igrače iz vana.
- FIZIČKI SIMPTOM koji je bio pronađen među nekom slabijom populacijom je kao paraliza ruku u čudnoj poziciji:

Pogođeni igrači biti će uključeni u EKSPERIMENTALNU TERAPIJU koja daje mogućnost svakom pacijentu korist od lijeka kog žele najviše. Ako su neki pacijenti zainteresovani u oživljavanju svojih novina, imati će nagrade za to. Oni koji žele bolje ekonomske uslove naći će listu internacionalnih dogovora i strateški proizvoditi da stignu do cilja. Oni koji žele da se više bore, dobiti će posebne pilule da im pomognu na bojnom polju (izuzev Topmira, taj je već prećero).

Činjenica, NACIONALNI ORGOVI nisu bili korišteni zanje vrijeme, zato će tim hiruga iz aktivirati i investirati u njih, kreirajući dodatni izvor prihoda.

Također je bitno širiti svijest o bolesti, kreirajući ISTRAŽIVAČKI I STUDIJSKI ODJEL za zaustavljanje sujevjerja (kao npr što kažu da Pizza i špagete povećavaju šansu da budete pogođeni). Iz tog razloga, zvati ćemo neke učitelje iz vana i uključiti u pomoć novim ili onim igračima što se vraćaju vezano za dinamiku igre.

Ko god od vas želi da radi kao ljekar u ovom Žabarnom Timu, može da se javi porukom Fanax-u.

Želim da zahvalim čitavom timu, posebno onim iz moje stranke, znajući da bez njih, ne bi bilo šanse za zarazu i u ovom trenutku, boriti se zajedno, zaista moramo biti bolesni xD.

Također velike zahvale za Za Bolju eBIH Medicinskoj Asocijaciji i HZ.HB. Hirurškoj Uniji koji su dali podršku zaustavljanju virusa.

Velika zahvala svima koji se pridruže zahvaćenoj populaciji i glasaju za nas na predsjedničkim izborima.

Neki ljudi dođu do vas i kažu: "Bolestan si, treba ti lijek".
Ne možemo biti toliko odvažni: samo kažemo: "Mi smo bolest. Želis se pridružiti?"

Zabavite se!