[Lokian American Times]Top Reasons Why You Should Send Me To Congress

Day 3,865, 12:53 Published in USA USA by King James88
Top Reasons Why You Should Send Me To Congress

Greetings I am King James88 for those that don't know I am the lovely trickster and all around good guy from the Socialist Freedom Party. I stand by supporting all decisions by our country president and our administration. Yes I am really running for congress and no this is not a trick or an illusion.

Now the Socialist Freedom Party is led by Chickensguys that was blacklisted for a long time. Kind of like Batman he came back to be the hero we deserved. It was a long wait and we finally freed him from his shackles. When I am congress I will help free more from the blacklist.

However I want to be in congress so we escape the darkness of occupation. Help bring about new faces on the MPP stack. In end we should apologize to Croatia for that eUSA strike. We have so much in common we both don't like Asteria that well. I know that is like Darth Vader apologizing for killing his wife Padme during child birth and taking responsibility for millions of lives lost including the planet Alderaan itself. Yes we really did this for alderaan wrong reasons. Above all we must not lose sleep over the occupation. This why we need to do a better job defending our core regions. Once we can be trustful with our friends it will be much easier. Like I said we must not lose sleep or lose our minds over this. Eventually we will get our land back.

Join the Socialist Freedom Party because we have our own style. So groovy right down to the core. The most important thing we are like family. Just one big happy Klingon horde defending our nation's honor. So please send me to congress because I believe in you, us and our future.