[Lokian American Times]One More Minute

Day 3,869, 14:22 Published in USA USA by King James88
One More Minute

I need one more minute of your time to speak in song about ex-SFPers who left the party:

Let's don't forget how we got here. It Lying Max and his Fake News Gang of why we got here. They don't realize just how good the Socialist Freedom Party has it. They love telling lies while wearing their tin foil hats.

Chickensguys have brought the SFP together, so connected and we are on a mission. The same mission from the beginning before I ever joined the party which are the ideals the SFP stands for which it was founded on. One for all and all for one. United we stand, divided we fall. Of those that have left they are missing out on a good thing. We became the number 1 party and now they bailed out on the party. Those aren't real SFPers. Real SFPers stay in the party to do what is necessary to take us forward. This is about our future. Our nation's future which is so vital. Lying Max and the Fake News Gang have lost their way. So when the SFP saves our nation you will proudly thank us.

Have no fear The Socialist Freedom Party is in good hands!

Join the Socialist Freedom Party today to be part of the revolution. We are like family with plenty of room to spare in the house. Always eating eating our Wheaties to be a champion because the SFP is a winning team.

Don't forget where the real patriots are----IN THE SFP! Thanks for giving me one more minute of your time.