[Lokian American Times]Moving forward

Day 3,873, 09:59 Published in USA USA by King James88

Today the Socialist Freedom Party, the soon to be renamed party, has taken steps to secure it's future. A new day has begun. Our party will soon address a plan to the problems that face us and protect us from dangers to eUSA tomorrow. Our party will ensure that eUSA will never meet its maker.

"Unity is not your strength. It is your weakness."- Krall, Star Trek Beyond

The time is to look at ourselves. As a community we are responsible of our own doing. Unity is not our strength. It is your weakness. The only blame we can cast is us. WE are the problem, WE are the only ones to provide the solutions. Where answers lies to get out of this mess is in the SFP, a new generation of leaders to take to help bring our country out of the shadows. No longer we can cast further blame on others or your one weakness will always plague you to prevent progress. We must become leaders that must follow in the light side of force.

New reforms are in tow being discussed to help make America great again. These are the first steps starting with a new logo, a new name and soon a new vision to inspire what has been missing for so long. How long you stay in the shadows is up to you but a hero will rise out of the ashes and save this country to take our country forward to better days. The needs of the many outweigh the need of few. Evil will always be there to do us harm and we will do what it takes to protect us from the progress that we will make.

Transparency to be advocated so the truth can be rung out throughout in the name of liberty and democracy for all. Along with trust and integrity we will carry on the legacy under a new banner. Their will guidance to educate the leaders of the future as we take a foothold to achieve rightful success. Because together it us we must finally come together, it is only us to solve the problems and it us that will secure our future. Without our party president CG the road ahead would be hopeless. With him we are guided to make America great again as well as the party that will become a beacon of a new hope. CG gives this party a new renown feeling of hope and this party stands a better chance to help drive eUSA out of the darkness.

Everyone's voice truly matters. Join us to come together to be part of something special that will help unite the nation. With renewed friendships we will live up to the promises to ourselves and the eWorld. End our burden of dysfunction and start being part of solving the problems that is deserved through UNITY, STRENGTH, TRANSPARENCY, DIGNITY, INTEGRITY, TRUST, HONESTY and TRUTH.

A party that is of the People, by the People, and for the people!
This country will be saved!
We will build this city, we will build this country on rock and roll!