
Day 1,597, 01:51 Published in China China by XiaoQQC


Country Profile: China

Hello assorted readers who come here for Class C trolling and sometimes serious political comment. I'd like to try something new, in a series of publications: I want to write an article giving basic information on as many countries as I can be bothered to do.

Today I've chosen to start with a country often overlooked. Ladies, gentlemen, and Diakun. I give you:

This image comes from the CIA's website- am I now on a surveillance list?
这幅图像来自美国中情局网站 - (这么做)我会被精神病吗,会被抄水表吗?


Basic facts

Population: 6283
Estimated active population: 1723
Capital: Jiangsu
Original territory resources: Cattle, Fish, Iron, Saltpeter, Oil
Acquired resources: Grain, Fruits, Deer, Aluminium, Rubber
Current President Atracurium
Affiliation: Full member of EDEN
Fun fact: Probably the richest country in eRepublik

Brief History

For much of its history China was under the occupation of more powerful neighbours, and sometimes by superpowers who had travelled to the country for some of its abundant resources. In V1 of eRepublik, China had the mixed blessing of having two High Iron regions: Liaoning and Heilongjiang. The enormous economic boost given by owning these regions made them a constant target for eRepublik superpowers.

Hungarian Heilongjiang top left in green

Few countries have been host to as many truly epic battles as eChina. Battles for the above mentioned regions were always of global importance both in V1 and in V2, even though China itself was a smaller player then. The eventual liberation of Heilongjiang was so important that an article commenting on the event was released by the admin team.

China was a founding member of the Sol alliance in 2009, a collection of smaller countries largely located in the East of the eRepublik map. Attacks on China and occupation by members of PEACE and its successor alliance Phoenix pushed the country towards the EDEN alliance, and in 2010 it joined the Brotherhood.

The Chinese population increased dramatically during 2010, and the country began to grow into a world power, becoming a strong EDEN presence in Asia to counter Indonesia, often threatening Indonesian holdings in Malaysia and elsewhere. There was also a successful Chinese babyboom in 2011, and this improving strength combined with a unique timezone have made China a key player in eRepublik today, if somewhat overlooked. In their sphere of influence in Asia, China remains almost totally unchallenged, and has consistently been one of the few countries to hold 100% resource bonus in both food and weapons industries.

Future for eChina

China's geographic position and excellent relative rates of retention mean that is one of the most secure Terra/EDEN countries. It enjoys the full resource bonus and has one of the strongest militaries in EDEN. Possible future projects for China could include moving towards Europe to help in the Balkan quagmire, or another attack on Indonesia. There is also the remote possibility that it could potentially face growing hostility from neighbouring Russia in the event that Russia breaks from TEDEN to follow Bulgaria to ONE, though it seems unlikely.

I'd like to conclude with an interesting number game. Macedonia's population in the game is 8550, out of a real life population of 2,055,004, giving it an eRepublik participation rate of ~0.416%. If we apply this same proportion to China, their ingame population would be 5,574,026. Now there's food for thought!
在此,我将给出一个有趣的数字游戏。马其顿在e世界里的人口是8550,现实中的人口是2,055,004,占比重为0.416%。如果我们假设比率一样,那么eC在e世界里的人口将会是5,574,026。那就是“星际争霸”中不受人口限制的秘笈代码——food for thought!

What internet censorship?

Thanks for reading,


(Copyright by Thatcher, Translated by XiaoQQC)