[Legion]We came, we saw, we conquered

Day 1,628, 09:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Elle Roslin
In ancient days, Rome arose to become one of the greatest civilizations of the age. The great Roman Empire was built on the strength of its conviction, and through overwhelming organizational and military might it conquered the known world. The unparalleled Roman Legions safeguarded the Empire for hundreds of years. The ESO Legion strives to honour this grand tradition – by defeating the eUK’s opponents through a combination of pride, organisation, and shared power. In Legion we build together, grow together, and most importantly, we fight together!

Legion Weekly Update

Well folks, lots of fun this week as we attempt to evict the French off of our native soil. We've been having a lot of success, particularly with the aid of our Hungarian friends, who have been hassling the French from the east. We can expect to continue this fight for some time.

There are a few US-held regions that we will need to win resistance wars to retrieve. With the United States intent on war with the Polish, the coming days will be an ideal time to do so. With a sustained campaign against the Polish, hopefully that will draw away a lot of the US players that are working on their True Patriot medals.

Artist's rendering of the eventual French surrender. Rome > Gaul

Youth of the Nation

The UK has been experiencing a constantly increasing number of new players joining. As of writing, we are sitting on a population of 4748 people! This is almost double what the UK has traditionally supported, and is larger than France at 4586. It is absolutely imperative that we do all that we can to ensure that these new players find a happy, supportive, and fun home here.

To any new players reading this - Message me if you have need of any food, tips, support, or advice. I will gladly help you in any way that I can, and I strongly encourage you to make friends here. It is vastly more fun when we play as a group! Join a party, join a MU, and chat/learn as much as possible!


As it is the 5th, another presidential election is upon us. I hope you all take the opportunity to vote for whomever you think will do the best job in shepherding the UK towards further grow and prosperity.

And a man came before me and asked ‘What is thy name’, to which came the response ‘My name is Legion, for we are many’

Gold Training Resources
As referenced in a previous article, weekly Legion will be allotting 5 x 0.19 Gold training to members that hit their daily 25 kills. These members are also drawn at random to ensure that everyone gets an equal shot. This week the winners are:

Knight Teutonic
Consett Ripper
Jason Newton
Nickalollyoff (dog farts)
Gloria Ingles

Well done guys & gals - the UK greatly benefits from your activity in battle! Keep an eye out next week, as those who have 25 or more kills will once again be entered to win some free gold!

Other Rewards

I thought I would draw your attention to other ways to receive free weapons. Currently all Legioners can enter the national Call to Arms program daily: http://bit.ly/IE4ROW

Secondly, if you are a member of the ESO party, the lovely Metalmicky has graciously offered to give free weapons if you defeat 50+ enemies in one day! You can contact him here, or post on the ESO forums and he will reward you. A big thumbs up to Metalmicky for his continuous support!

You will recall that last week I offered free tanks to those who submitted a Romanized version of their Erepublik names. Here are the winners, who will receive 20 Q6 tanks apiece:

Miniman_7: aka 'Manius Septimius Africanus Silvanus '
Dose027: aka 'Dosia Vanida'
Mariuscata: aka 'Gaius Marius' <- this one was just an obvious match!
Knight teutonic: aka 'Gaius Teutonic Germannicus Brutti'
registrs: aka 'registrus'
Gordon Strachan: aka 'Gaius Gordus Strachyodactylus'

And I know I said no dick jokes - but a special prize goes to bd16 (aka 'biggus dickus 16') for making me laugh!

Supplier Profiles

This week I asked our extraordinarily helpful suppliers to provide a bit of a bio of themselves. I hope you will all join me in thanking them for the contributions that they make and all the work that they do on a daily basis. Without them, it would be logistically impossible to offer supplies. Here I profile Miniman_7 and N W G, and will continue to profile the suppliers in future Legion updates!

Mini, the collector of rusty cars, drinker of tea, eater of Revels.

Back in ancient days, I was introduced to Miniman when he started working in one of my companies. From that innocuous start, we seem to cross each others paths quite regularly! A former leader of regiment 7, he can now be found as the Captain/Centurion of regiment 6 of Legion. In his own words:

eAlive since early 2009, Mini has shown his silent recruitment activity to be successful in keeping full the end regiments with active members. Since then, distribution of supplies and force feeding of avatars has been order of the day.
Political activity has flared occasionally, with recent jaunts to congress, such as the popular "free the pasty" campaign thwarted at the last minute by foreigners.
Hobbies include trolling of Liberty and Max Blue's articles (gotta love the Q2 weapons!)

RL time is divided between working as a HR manager for a large retailer and his 6 children (two of each)

As you can see, a very busy guy ingame and out! Cheers to Miniman for being a stalwart and supportive player and friend 🙂

A younger UKer, N W G has been active almost since day one in both Legion and the ESO party. In his own words:

My real name is Gareth, I am 32 years old and just recently left the Royal Air force after doing 9 years service.

I started this game after having my inbox spammed by Carlini in another game and thought it be a good little 2 click game that would not take up much time. After a slow start i realized that the community around me deserved much more that this. I wanted to help to pay back the help i received and the more and more i get involved the more and more i enjoy playing.

I'm still learning and know there so much more and hope that in the future i slowly but surely get more and more involved in more than just fighting and giving my thoughts here and there.

N W G - thank you for giving back to both the eUK and the real UK with all of your continuing service. I always appreciate your insights, and i think there are big things in store for you!

So there you have it, two of our wonderful suppliers!

Get your avatar here!

Want a flashy Legion avatar? Simply contact one of these people and they will craft you a lovely new LEGION-ified avatar.

Rodney McKay
Miniman 7

That's all for this week!

Legion Academy

Want to help out in Legion? Just drop me a line!