[Legion] Brittanicus Maximus

Day 1,614, 10:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Elle Roslin

Legion Weekly Update

Implementation of new Legion plans have been running smoothly. Kudos to all of you for making reform easy, intuitive, and most of all swift. Once again, the Legion shows its discipline!

We continue to invest in ourselves to build economic capacity within the Legion. The Praetorian Guard group continues to build Q4 RM companies at a decent pace. The only flaw in our otherwise dastardly plan is the complete lack of compassion on Platobot’s part (he is after all, a horrible Greek).

Our dear comrade Rodimus is readying the Legion Academy for a strong launch. Several renowned scholars and scribes are currently toiling away preparing useful guides and information for our new recruits. Without any PR, a few recruits have already joined, donned their new Legion gear and are quickly learning the ropes of the game. If you are new to the game and are looking for a lot of support in fostering your development, consider joining up over at the Academy.

Military Strategy Update
The war with Canada has closed, and we are now focusing on tidying up our affairs with the eUSA. The UK has been actively supporting Chile and Bulgaria in some of their campaigns, and this will continue with some expected developments in the Chile-Argentina battles. We are also keeping a careful eye on the French, who still occupy a few of our regions.

Now for some brief bios on our lovely weapons suppliers!

A RL American, Zonmei was one of the earliest Captains in the ESO Legion. He currently can be located in the eUSA, where bonuses are high which helps Legion provide our supplies and rewards. A military man by trade and hobby, he’s a great guy to have a chat with if you ever get the chance.

A RL Belgian, Director9 emigrated to the eUK several months ago and has been a part of ESO life ever since. Director9 has a great mind for financials, and has been a huge help in plotting out supply and budgeting. He is currently located in eUSA alongside Zonmei, Carlini, and JamesB009.

An acquaintance of former CP Jhorlin, and a RL Dutchman, JamesB has been involved in various aspects of the UK military since he joined the game. He is currently located in the eUSA as well to take advantage of stable resource bonuses.

Carlini is our newest supplier, and paradoxically probably one of the richest! Fortunate enough to have wealthy friends who joined the game, he has quickly established an economic empire which he has been kind enough to lend to our cause.

Old as the hills and an original ESO member to boot, MM999 is a fixture of UK military policy and support. He currently is involved in the UK’s BEF, and at the same time he supports Legion through offering employment and supply. He can be found in ePoland, and is recognizable by his stalwart Mighty Mouse avatar.

Lord Reincarnate
A saucy Brit, Reincarnate is a longstanding member of both the Trade Federation and the ESO party. He is another new supplier that built his economic empire out of hard work and the occasional drunken misclick. You can identify him by his penchant for luxurious moustaches. Currently he is assisting Rodney McKay in formulating the Legion Academy.

A Tribute to Stockyrocky310597

As many of you will know, a dear friend and stalwart ESO member Stockyrocky has decided to depart the game. As a very nice farewell, he has left a substantial donation to the ESO Legion. In keeping with his wishes and with our own traditions, a contest was opened on the ESO Legion forum. 3 x 8500 GBP was on offer so that a few lucky members could build new raw materials factories. With 25 entries, I am pleased to announce the winners (selected by random draw) are:

Elliot Brown

Congratulations to you all! If you entered and did not win, do not fear – we plan on running more of these competitions. Enjoy your new companies guys and gals!

Gold Training Resources
As referenced in my last article, weekly Legion will be allotting 5 x 0.19 Gold training to members that hit their daily 25 kills. These members are also drawn at random to ensure that everyone gets an equal shot. This week the winners are:

Mark Larkin
George Bernard Shaw
Red & White Army

Well done guys - the UK greatly benefits from your activity in battle! Keep an eye out next week, as those who have 25 or more kills will once again be entered to win some free gold!

Get your avatar here!

Want a flashy Legion avatar? Simply contact one of these people and they will craft you a lovely new LEGION-ified avatar.

Rodney McKay
Miniman 7

That's all for this week!

Legion Academy

Want to help out in Legion? Just drop me a line!