[IFP][Elite] Congressional Campaign

Day 3,076, 14:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Hey eIreland,

This month I'll be seeking my 20th term in Congress!! Congress is important for debates and discussions but I think we can all agree our old Congress system was too ineffective. We in the IFP have proposed a new streamline Congress to be much more efficient and effective. We are leading the fight for a return of our Congress and we need the voters help to do it!

The IFP are running on 3 principles:
Democracy, Transparency and Collaboration

Democracy - The government should recognize and listen to Congress as they are the greatest cross-section of the community available using game mechanics. Congress should have the ability to review, scrutinize and pass budgetary measures, however we must urge expedient government. Many in eIreland have expressed a distaste for the slow pace of Congress and they are right, Congress was often too slow to effectively govern. The IFP has a series of proposals on how to speed up the pace of Congressional deliberations while still protecting the idea of representation.

Transparency - The Government should involve the populace in it's thinking and effectively communicate national direction and goals. As plans change, the nation must be updated.

Collaboration - We should encourage cross-party collaboration through the formation of institutions that ensure greater representation, whether that is through Constitutional Reform or other mechanisms.

Congressional Reform is key to our campaign this month.

We have outlined a number of proposals that will reform our Congress system:
Merging Voting and Discussion Times

Early Closure of Issues

Simultaneous Issue Discussions

With the above changes, we estimate that the first 10 days of the last Congress could have potentially been condensed into 2 days if needed, leading to a responsive and effective legislative body.

I will also be pushing for Congress to pass a budget each term. With majority Congress approval required at the start of each CP term for any tax and spending increases or cuts. This will lead to better cross-party collaboration both in forming a government and in Congress.

So why do we need a Congress anyways?
Interestingly enough, our modern Democratic Republic is a combination of Fascism (total control under one single dictator) and Socialism (representatives of the people). In other words, if we did not have the Socialist idea of Congress, we would be stuck with the Fascist idea of only one individual as leader and as a result lose our democracy.

So I'm asking you to vote IFP this month and help us in the fight for Congress.

If you like some or all of the aspects of the platform above, give the IFP a look, would would be glad for you to join our movement.

All the Best,
Elite C