[I&W] Message to all members

Day 847, 08:11 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Flando

Firstly, let me thank you. Thanks for voting for me, and making me party president of this great party!

When we will have good congressional elections and will enter formation talks again, I will be asked to represent the members of I&W in this talks. Maybe, I will even be tasked as formateur.

I will enter these talks for you. Therefore, I want to be well prepared.
A lot happened in our country, we even have some debates about our name. What will the future look like? We just dont know...

Therefore, in preparation of the talks, I want to look at what our members think!
I will have a meeting of I&W prominents. Ex-PP's, ministers, presidents, experts, and other wise men will be invited. I will hand-pick the people that will be given the option to sit down in the meeting, and have talks on the I&W goals for next month.

But please, do not be afraid, do not feel passed!
Ofcourse, I&W listens to all members. So, if you have ideas, suggestions, questions, plans or whatever might be relevant, choose on of the following options:

1) Go to the I&W section on the forum, click "Goals I&W", and click "suggestions for the next government". You can place your idea in a reaction.
2) If you want something more personal and private, send me a message in erepublik or the forum!
3) You can even find me on IRC, and talk with me.

Flando, Party President