[GOV] - Updates and Recent happenings

Day 1,179, 19:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Greetings, citizens of eMalaysia. A few updates and informations will be posted below:

1. Good job so far in the war with eSingapore. We manage to follow government war orders and winning what was supposed to be won (even though some are still not following the order). In order for better efficiency, please follow Tentera Darat Malaysia order before fighting.

2. We will be cancelling Natural Enemy with eSingapore in less than 2 days' time, so if you haven't finish the mission about Natural Enemy, please finish it as soon as possible. The rewards are nice (50 strength increase)

3. People are wondering when will Penisular Malaysia be returned to eMalaysia. There were talks with eSingapore's President but no agreement has been reached yet. But it is pretty certain that it will not be back to us soon, as it will be used to be part of compensation for invading eSingapore twice. We are still going to pay for what previous president did. I hope all of us will learn from this and step up to take the responsibility whenever it is needed to avoid such happening again in future 🙂

4. Government has already started to look for new and active MPP. However the task will not be easy as funding is very limited at the moment. Donations to Central bank from generous eMalaysians will be greatly appreciated to ensure eMalaysians can join in wars actively in the following month.

5. Party President election is just around the corner! There are 2 parties in our country at the moment, Parti Kemajuan eMalaysia and eMalaysian Libertain Party. There is a candidate in eMalaysian Libertain Party already but the seat for Parti Kemajuan eMalaysia is still empty. Anyone who is interested, please candidate yourself as soon as possible, the position will be important as you will have the power to decide who to run for congress near the end of the month. Responsible Party President is needed to choose responsible Congress candidates to serve our nation.

6. Don't forget to join and be active in our national forum. More participation will be nice as government will be able to receive different perspectives and ideas. For irc channel, you can download the sortware or connect directly. Our national chat room is #erepublik.my

7. The following are useful articles posted by the government up until now:

The Training Booster Guide by Minister of Defence and Information - Gives you calculations of golds used/earn in different military training method

Latest Changes to Economy Module by Minister of Industry

Reopening of Social Office of eMalaysia by Minister of Public Welfare - Gives information of newbie programmes

Ambassadors application and Program Duta Besar Antarabangsa by Minister of Foreign Affairs - Gives information about Ambassadors and how to apply to be one of them to serve eMalaysia

I hope I didn't miss anything. Q & A Section below.

Country President Feb 2011