[GOV] The current state of affairs

Day 604, 18:06 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

As I haven't had the time to release a proper update for about a week now this article will be quite long. Still I'd like to ask everyone to read it carefully, as it contains very valuable information.

1. An update on the structure of the government

Prizma Jeno unfortunately had to retire from his position because of lack of time while Hireshmont Vellos essentially finished the game altogether. Both of them are huge losses for us. Gustavius also decreased his activity.🙁 Luckily Vikta has agreed to fill in the very important position of Minister of Foreign Affairs while the wellness recovery program will be run by Badlands17 through the South East Asia Fund. We are still looking for a new Minister of Defence though. If you have the time and dedication and feel yourself qualified then please contact Nagyzee in pm!

The current list of government is the following:
Nagyzee - President, Minister of Finance
Vikta - Vice President, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Jurkasz - Minister of Social and Home Affairs (mentoring program + training companies)
Badlands17 - Minister of Health (= manager of the wellness recovery program)
?? - Minister of Defence

2. Internal politics - takeover attempt

Yesterday two of the four Malaysian parties (namely Malaysian People's Party and the Djozikeists now called Liberal Democrats) were taken over by Brazilians. According to information gathered they are part of a private Brazilian group looking to establish their own country in Malaysia. This is a hostile takeover attempt that has to be stopped at the congress elections. I urge all eMalaysians and eMalaysian parties to reach a consensus and join forces to defeat the attackers on 25th July. We will also try to gather international support. More info on this topic will come later.

Meanwhile I congratulate the new party presidents of MAP and DAP. Best of luck to both NAR Henry and SHBalage!

3. Foreign affairs - entering a regional alliance

Malaysia has been invited to join a strictly defensive, UN-like regional alliance for Asia, that will probably be called Sol. The aim of the alliance would be guarding stability in the region and to help each other against outer threats both militarily and on elections. You can read more about this on the forum where I'll post the draft of the charter shortly, too. Joining this alliance will be up for vote on the forum in 1-2 days.

4. Foreign affairs, military - the North American campaign of PEACE

I have already covered this in the last military orders but it's better to mention it here, too. Essentially I know that helping Canada is like playing with fire but we can't run away from our obligations and leave alone a good friend and ally in her time of need. Thus we are doing our best to help Canada. Apart from this we are not taking part in the current World War in any other form and we are still neutral. We didn't seek this confrontation with PEACE either, and we will try to keep good relations with them as much as possible even though we condemn the aggression on Canada and will continue to fight with some of them on the Canadian battlefields.
Info on the current battle can be foun😛 HERE.

5. Other news in short

- I've decided to change the name of this newspaper for now. Please let me know whether you like it more this way and other suggestions are also welcome.
- The auction of the state-owned q1 housing company was put on halt with agreement of the only interested buyer. WC Housing's welcomed upgrade to q3 changed the situation considerably and the situation will need to be reassessed.
- The Central Bank of Malaysia is still ready to import grain for 0.0065 gold or 0.65 MYR / stock. Please mail the bank with orders!

That's all for today. I'll probably expand on some of the above topics tomorrow or the day after.

Best regards,

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Please join us there, too!🙂