[FINANCE] Financial report October 19, 03h00 eRep time.

Day 699, 03:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Dear eUNL citizens and other interested,

Please find the eUNL Financial Report from October 11, 7h30 (last report) to today October 19, 3h00. In my third report, the differences in balance will be displayed, to enable more “easy-to-see” transparency. I’d like to thank everybody for the nice and constructive comments that were posted on the forum, below the articles or by PM/IRC. It really keeps me enthusiastic to continue this way!

Most notable is that the exchange rate of 1 G has sharply risen to 1 G = 65 NLG, and that an action plan to move foreign currencies from the state accounts was initiated.

Please note that all information given, with the possible exception of explanations, is public and can be viewed by all eRepublik users.

Balances of State Account, DNB and Ministerie van Economische Zak
See “Appendix” at the bottom of message.

Justification of movements made/received by the Ministry of Finance
October 11: 7 GOLD was paid to Flando for creating the “UNL Congress” organization (5 G) and “UNL Congress Newspaper” (2 G). 10 GOLD was paid to Cocoamok for creating the organizations “State Companies 1” and “State Companies 2”, which, although being used for some time by the eUNL state for some time, were not paid back yet.
October 13: 8,000 NLG moved from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Defensie. (Reason: MoD was running low on cash. Initially, it was agreed to move the whole budget of 13,500 NLG, but do the amount of GOLD in the MoD, this was for the time lowered to 8,000 NLG.)
October 17: 20,000 NLG moved from Ministerie van Economische Zak to State Companies 2. (Reason: There was no NLG present to pay the wages of the state companies.)
October 18: 10 G moved from Ministerie van Economische Zak to Ministerie van Grondstoffen. (Reason: Ministry of Raws was low on gold. Enough gold is needed – amongst other things – to keep the State Companies supplied with raws.)

Justification of other actions performed by Ministry of Finance
October 14 – ongoing: As suggested by Luuklag after the last Finance report, it was agreed by Government and Congress to move all foreign currencies from the State Accounts to the Ministry of Raws, to keep it safe from potential attacks. This has been initiated and is currently ongoing, with an accepted proposal to move MYR to “Ministerie van Grondstoffen” and a pending proposal to move BEF to “DNB”. For other currencies, some congressmen have already been found willing to raise proposals when the current one is finished. If anybody else with ingame congress rights (and proposals left) wants to help, please send me a PM. More information, and a detailed explanation can be found on http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3111&start=0.
October 16: After the offer on the monetary market was sold, a new offer was placed of 15,000 NLG at 1 NLG = 0.016 G. (Reason: Stabilize the market at the set rate of 1 NLG = 0.016 G.)

News: Financial laws & proposals
October 11 [Accepted] The proposal to move 13,778 NLG from State Account to Ministerie van Economische Zak was accepted with 28 YES and 6 NO. NLG and G in the State Account can be taken when we are attacked, so moving into the state org ensure the safety of our national treasury.
October 15 [Accepted] Moving foreign currencies to Ministry of Raws: 473.40 MYR from State Account to Ministerie van Grondstoffen. Accepted with 30 YES and 2 NO. See “Justification of other actions” for explanation.
October 19 [Pending] Moving BEF to DNB: 781 BEF from State Account to DNB. Although still pending, it will be accepted as it currently has 24 YES and 2 NO. See “Justification of other actions” for explanation.

News: Monetary Market
The foreign investor is still selling his NLG at a rate of 1 NLG = 0.016 G. Currently, around 40,000 NLG have been sold, and there is just over 20,000 NLG left. Communications with other investors are also opened.

The exchange rate of offering gold for NLG has sharply risen to 1 G = 65 NLG, from 1 G = 63.5 last week. This is still well within the borders set by the government, but I’d like to reemphasize that the government will actively keep this at a maximum of 1 G = 66.5 G.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to comment on this article or on the forum: http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewforum.php?f=101

Kind regards,

Your Minister of Finance,

APPENDIX: Balances of State Account, DNB and Ministerie van Economische Zak
(the balance of last report and the difference are displayed in brackets)

State Account

12.11 G (0.01 G; +12.10 G)

Local currencies:
14,078.02 NLG (5,142.47 NLG; +8,935.55 NLG)
0.48 BEF (781.48 BEF; -781.00 BEF)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)
164.33 HUF (164.33 HUF; no change)
221.74 IDR (221.74 IDR; no change)
0.05 MYR (473.45 MYR; -473.40 MYR)
153.96 RUB (120.70 RUB; +33.26 RU😎

Value of offers on goldmarket:


939.45 G (939.45 G; no change)

Local currencies:
20,909.55 NLG (20,909.55 NLG; no change)
53,681.47 BEF (53,681.47 BEF; no change)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)

Value of offers on goldmarket:

Ministerie van Economische Zak

390.73 G (370.53 G; +20.20 G)

Local currencies:
97,881.45 NLG (127,090.11 NLG; -29208.55 NLG)
140.16 BEF (140.16 BEF; no change)

Foreign currencies (excluded when less than 100)
108.00 BGN (108.00 BGN; no change)
100.00 MDL (100.00 MDL; no change)

Value of offers on goldmarket:
14,988 NLG (on offer at 1 NLG = 0.016 G)
9.8 G (on offer at 1 G = 66.5 NLG)