[ESO] Why I stay

Day 1,878, 07:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ullok

With the surge of new parties ESO – Every Single One, has found itself outside of the top 5 for the first time since it was founded two years ago, but this is why I stay:

Back when the UK political scene was dominated by the loggerheads of the TUP and UKRP

eUK politics: past, present and future?

Jamesw and Artela came to the conclusion that the UK needed a strong “third party”, a voice of reason against the constant bickering that was occurring between the two parties, a party that values independent thought not the party line, and endeavours to ensure equality, fairness, and openness for all eUK members.

The importance of this has not gone away and whilst the battle lines have been redrawn (some trying to draw them around ESO) the party has always strived to remain separate, the arbiters, and continues to do so.

ESO - we don't need a megaphone to get our point across.

ESO still supports and develops younger players and even with our numbers dwindling we seek to set up schemes that educate and help our members, new and old, become self-sufficient rather than a mass recruiting drives whilst continuing those already establishe😛

“We might not always act in our own best interests, but we WILL always act in the best interests of UK players. Every Single One.” – Emergy Maxfell

As a party we are committed to bettering the country to the extent that what many members put thousands of hours into creating and honing, and considered to be ESO’s crown jewel; the “ESO Legion” was handed over to the eUK government for free with little more thought than what form it would most benefit the country when the BEF imploded.

Why should you join?

Whilst there are the stalwarts, some there since the beginning, who continue to put their best effort into the party, room is always made for new, energetic and enthusiastic people to take on whatever roles they want, with the guidance and education to allow them to do the job to the best of their ability.

ESO is a party that doesn’t take itself too seriously whilst sincerely debating politics and our role in the nation.

When asked, most members praise our community, our “selflessness and the group camaraderie” (Ellie Roslin) #ESO is still a vibrant channel, famed for its trivia binges, open to people from all parties and nations, so long as they are respectful to one another.

We accept anyone who is not a threat to the eUK and celebrate our diversity. This was exemplified by Diakun and the “Rainbow Club”.

“I love you all, but lets be honest, you're the only ones who will take me 😛 ” –ApronChef

If this sounds like something you’d want to be a part of, then join ESO today.

We have cheesecake!